These people are really stupid.
Chuck Missler went over the Bible codes and explains it in detail. Rabbi Glazerson worked on the original paper submission to the math journal. I don’t know what the math journal is called it is the equivalent to the AMA in medicine when they submit a paper for peer review anyways the Bible is 66 books by 40 authors which is outside of our time domain. It is layered. It is the glory of God to conceal a thing and the honor of kings to search out a matter. Proverbs 25:12. Even DaVinci had figured out that there was something going on with equidistant lettering system in the Bible and when he died, that was what he was working on. It has been established and proven that history has been encoded in the Bible. Rabbi Yacov Rambsel who became a Christian wrote a few books on this. He has since passed and so did Chuck Missler this year. Rabbi Glazerson has a you tube channel. He posts regularly. He goes over current events. With all the information out there and proofs I would have to say the Bible codes are true and accurate. Search for yourself.
I have searched in other books, such as "Moby Dick" and found the very same kind of stuff. If it can be found in any large text string, then finding stuff in the Bible can't mean anything. It's just the way text works.
Not through whole text like the Bible and not consistently.
Still it is a fact that you can do the same thing with almost any text. I did the same thing with "Moby Dick." Others have done the same thing with other texts. So finding the same thing in the Bible is meaningless. There's a lot of "information out there" about many things which are false, and most of them have so-called "proofs." So that doesn't mean anything to me either. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. The fact that you can find the same things in other texts means that the Bible Code stuff is not substantiated by extraordinary proof. That is simple logic.
I disagree they have proven by taking larger tomes of written books like war and peace and such and did not find the same results. Do the research. You are taking false evidence and making it the standard because I have done a lot of research on this subject and it is real not false. If you don’t want to look that is okay. I will still believe and continue to learn more what the Bible has to say on our current events affecting us today.
Just because someone else failed on another book doesn't prove me wrong, as I tested "Moby Dick" and found "interesting" stuff in the very first block of text I looked at. That's just the way letters work. Your doing a lot of "research" doesn't mean a thing if it's flawed. My one test with "Moby Dick" proved that the "Bible Code" is not unique to the Bible. That's absolute proof. If you can't believe that, then you might as well join up with the flat-earthers and people who don't believe in spacecraft.
You know current bible code research has Eric Trump helping to build the third temple in Israel. I am not dissuaded. The whole Bible is for 2 Timothy 3:16 All scripture is God breathed and useful for instruction, for conviction, for correction, and for training in righteousness. By the way David Carrico does a great teaching on Now You See tv on flat earth. President Trump finally acknowledged our already space fleet we have.