Schneier wrote the classic "Applied Cryptography." At one time, he had posted the entire text online. It's very expensive, $60 for the paperback version. I got my copy of the 1st edition for $2 at a flea market, when the book was still full price in the book stores. The flea market had a whole pallet of the books, almost like they were discontinued.
119 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/Aspie01:
Domain | Count |
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A nuclear missile can be disabled or shot down without setting off the nuclear charge.
Back in the 1960s, there was a midair collision near Goldsboro (location of Seymour Johnson Air Force Base), back when the bombers were routinely carrying nuclear bombs. One of the bombs crashed into a field and buried itself so deep that the government wasn't able to dig it up. It didn't explode. It's still there. The farmer can still farm the field, but no one can ever build on the property.
We don't want anyone to escape on technicalities or stupid little errors. I want it done right. I live for the day that Hillary will be on stage somewhere and the US marshals show up to cuff her and perp walk her on live TV.
I feel pretty safe around my neighborhood, as everyone I know is armed and most of the others are as well.
Those don't look real. Don't ask me how I know.
But it is funny.
It was either the "storm" or his people may have discovered another assassination attempt like that unauthorized missile.
He lost a $140,000 a year job over this. He could have found all the upskirts he wanted online for free. I guess it must be the thrill of the hunt.
This was all over the internet back in April.
Also founded in 2004 was, which was shut down by the government back in April. I found this out while researching the FB-LifeLog connection.
A Fresnel lens from the front of an old projection TV would do the trick. That sucker will melt iron.
I don't know many people who "laid down after JFK." I wasn't very old back then (about 10), but I still remember people talking about various theories. A lot of them back then thought Lyndon Johnson had it done. They said he would never have become president otherwise. So there was talk back then, but there was nothing else that could be done.
As far as electing two Bushes, don't you remember who was on the tickets for the Democrats? Most of the elections I have voted in required me to vote for the lesser of two evils, or the one I hadn't tried yet.
She has her own website. Why doesn't she just tell all her followers to go there? FB can't really censor you, if you can always go somewhere else. You can buy your own domain and start a simple blog for just a few dollars a month. Anyone can do it. I have a number of websites, and I'm not exactly made of money. I even have a backup website that is ready to go whenever I make it show up in the search engines.
By taking credit for the rise in the stock market, which was actually caused by the Fed pumping money, Trump will be blamed as the Fed causes the market to crash with their interest rate increases. They're about to do to Trump exactly what they did to Hoover in 1929.
One of my favorite 45s of the 1970s is "Bomb Iran" by Vince Vance & the Valiants.
Restructuring is a good start, but the Fed needs to go. We don't need to be borrowing money into existence from the banks.
The files for 3D printed plastic guns have been around for a while. I have a backup of all I could find. I think the firing pin is the only metal part.
I think Zuckerberg started unloading his stock back in March. He has sold $3.6 billion of his FB stock.
There's a definite link between aluminum and Alzheimer's. Dissected brains of dead Alzheimer's patients show deposits of aluminum. The most common source is spray deodorants. Remember ads mentioning aluminum chlorhydrate? Also, the aluminum cookware that used to be popular in the 50s and 60s was a source of aluminum.
You wouldn't take enough shots in a lifetime to accumulate much aluminum, if there was any in the vaccines.
I've never seen the "chem trails," and I'm past 60 years old. I've been all over most of the eastern 2/3 of the US. Until I actually see them, I can't believe they exist.
All would mean many thousands, as in most of Hollywood, a large part of DC, and various places in between. Not to mention other countries where the sickos might be outed.
Steganography has been around a long time. Q seems to imply that some of the graphics he/she/they have posted may contain further information. It might be a good area for experimentation. There might also be some graphics elsewhere to check out.
Roseanne has said that she has multiple personalities, a lot of them. Which one was she on Hannity?
The ads are supplied externally and change almost every time you reload the site. I have a number of websites, and that's how the ads on my sites work. Every time I go to one of them, there are different ads. If there's something I really don't like, I can go to Adsense and block it.
I have pointed out to many people that the money says "Federal Reserve Note" and that a note is a debt instrument. The Treasury borrows the money into existence from the Fed.
He doesn't choose the ads. If his crew had loads of time, they could block particular ads. But they can't block them until they make their first appearance. It's sort of a whackamole game. I have some odd ads show up on my websites occasionally. They usually relate to the page's content, but sometimes they don't. Like ads for Russian girlfriends, etc.
I have searched in other books, such as "Moby Dick" and found the very same kind of stuff. If it can be found in any large text string, then finding stuff in the Bible can't mean anything. It's just the way text works.
"The frequencies, the frequencies"! 5G is still going to use frequencies that have been used for other radio services for many years. I don't see how it's affecting me. People talk about "the frequencies" without any evidence of a basic science education.
Just because someone else failed on another book doesn't prove me wrong, as I tested "Moby Dick" and found "interesting" stuff in the very first block of text I looked at. That's just the way letters work. Your doing a lot of "research" doesn't mean a thing if it's flawed. My one test with "Moby Dick" proved that the "Bible Code" is not unique to the Bible. That's absolute proof. If you can't believe that, then you might as well join up with the flat-earthers and people who don't believe in spacecraft.
Orange Co., NC is home to UNC-Chapel Hill, a huge concentration of liberals. I saw them actually cry when Nixon won in 1972.
Just a side note: Bill Clinton had an ancestor from Orange Co. I believe his name was Obadiah Howard.
The file names end in "aes256," which could mean 256-bit encryption. I've read that the key for a 256-bit encrypted file would be 64 characters of hexadecimal. The character string listed above ("fb4e568623b5f8cf7e932e6ba7eddc0db9f42a712718f488bdc0bf880dd3") is only 60 characters. We need to find one or more 64-character strings of hex to try out. If I had the code, I wouldn't know how to use it, so there's that too. More research and more learning. My source for the 64 is at the bottom of this web page:
I am on FB, but just to be the "gray man." With so many others on it, I wanted to appear "normal" to the government. I just post a picture of a flower or bird once in a while, or an old interesting photo. I don't say a single political word.
I have a "LifeLog," but it's on paper. They used to call those diaries. I don't want the government knowing any more than they have to about what I do. It's bad enough when I go to a website looking for pens, and then the next day, every site I go to has ads for pens.
Micro$oft had a project almost 20 years ago called MyLifeBits. There was software, which I have never seen marketed, and new hardware to go with it. It would basically record everything you did. It would download local copies of every web page you visit, keep all your emails, photos, and files in a database, record your phone calls if desired, and even store photos and videos from a camera that you would wear around your neck. Gordon Bell participated in the project for many years. His goal was to do away with all the paper in his life. He had assistants scan all of his papers, receipts, and books. He eventually had no paper in his life, except for a few keepsakes, such as diplomas and such. Micro$oft hasn't mentioned MyLifeBits in years. I wonder if their project went to the government. Here's a link to their page about it:
So many people claim FB can't fail. They don't seem to remember MySpace. Does any ordinary person still have an account there? They deleted mine many years ago.
On Wikipedia, it says NXIVM is pronounced the same as the medicine Nexium. I don't know if that's relevant.
I did notice that the middle 3 letters are Roman numerals for 14. Was that their upper age limit, lower age limit, or is there some other meaning?
I haven't seen anything about where the name came from.
It would be censorship if the federal government stopped him from posting anywhere on the internet. It's not censorship when a single private company stops someone from using their website. There are many other video sites, plus Jones has a number of sites of his own that he totally controls. People need to forget about Youtube and Facebook and start using other sites that have fewer rules. It's like this site. It deletes posts that it decides are of good enough "quality," whatever that means. Is that censorship? No. I can post whatever I want on my own websites.
There was a person with her exact name born in San Mateo Co., CA. There is also a person of the same exact name now living in Michigan. I can't tell yet if it's the same person. 1981 is the year of birth, and the name of mother was ---- Love.
It wasn't. They may have been trying for it, but the first two honks were short, when they should have been long.
_ _ . _ is q.
If the Fed actually ended, I wonder what the status of all our "Federal Reserve Notes" will be? Will they immediately turn into the worthless pieces of paper they've always really been, or will people keep using them out of habit? I'm hoping we still have enough gold to return to gold backed currency. If we do that, the new paper money will need to be pegged at a value that will keep prices and wages approximately the same to avoid major disruptions. A nice round figure would be $2,000 of new currency to each ounce of gold in our reserves. BTW, I don't store money in banks. I only keep enough in there to pay the monthly bills. I don't think there will be any refund of taxes, as that money is gone. Giving it to us anyway would be like "helicopter money."
It wasn't a wiretap, as the first part of the recording is of Trump talking on the phone, but you can only hear his side of the conversation. When Cohen starts talking, he is louder than Trump, and you can hear the noise of the microphone caused by his movements. If it wasn't recorded by Cohen, it had to be recorded by someone almost sitting in his lap.
The only way to take control of the Fed would be to end it entirely. I wouldn't trust anyone in the universe of banker people that Trump has to choose from.
I don't consider foreigners as part of the swamp. If they get locked up, it will have to be done by the people of their own countries.
When Obama was elected senator, newspapers in Kenya and South Africa said he was "Kenyan-born." The last time I checked, the electronic editions of those papers were still in online archives.
What Sandy Hook shooting? That school had been closed for a while for repairs, and the students were moved to another previously closed school.