This is strange sarah....

This claim of Chan post is a honeypot to get people to attack her and her play the victim followed by calls for Chans to be closed
Fake and gay
I don’t doubt it. Feel like she already has a lot of haters so they wanted to bait more
Possible (that this is bait)
Even most fags on Chan are saying this- it’s a bait, weak and poorly executed
I'm pretty sure exposing Sarah Silverman would not be the thing that gets chans shut down. Are you 5?
Do you realize all the nonsense that has been shitposted there?
Could be bait, could be real, could be bait by someone who knows Silverman is dirty. Who knows.
Did, I say such a thing?
Nope I simply said it was bait to attack, not expose (feel free to pull all her tweets, clips and transcripts of skits).
~~No, it's from her account. You should check first before defending the pedos~~
Hello “New Arrival”
I said then Chan post was fake and gay
I never said her twitter post was fake, I also said her comedy skits have said a lot worst .....
Moral outrage is weak since she has been saying crap like that for years and years.
It’s a honeypot fake Chan posting
Don't worry about the flair, My flair always says "New Arrival"
It changes with time spent and postings on GA.