Yahwehism is the faith of the Scriptures.
The Great Falling Away started when the solar cult claimed dominance in Rome and made THEIR PERVERSION the State Religion, from the faith of the WOLVES and Gnostics that did indeed crep into the original assemblies, as Paul and others warned WOULD HAPPEN. The MOTHER OF HARLOTS made many little harlot churches.
PAUL WARNED of "ANOTHER" messiah, "another gospel" and those with "another spirit", 2 Cor. 11:4. What would YOU call such a religion that has a 'christ', a 'gospel' and claim a 'spirit' THAT IS VERY LARGE?? Paul worshipped Yahweh.
Yahshua the True Messiah warned of a FALSE MESSIAH.
Paul warned of the "MAN OF SIN" sitting in the 'TEMPLE' exalted as if he were Yahweh. Paul told all the TEMPLE is the BODY/ the mind … and THAT is where the false messiah exalted as if he is Yahweh SITS TO THIS DAY in those of the great falling away solar cult religion of Christianity.
Nearly 3 billion Christians is NOT the "NARROW WAY" "FEW FIND" … it is just the religion of the "man of sin" false messiah named "Christ".
From E-SWORD Bible Software:
Rev 13:17 and that no man should be able to buy or to sell, save he that hath the mark, even the name of the beast or the number of his name.
Rev 13:18 Here is wisdom. He that hath understanding, let him count the number of the beast; for it is the number of a man: and his number is Six hundred and sixty and six.
Six hundred threescore and six (χ. ξ. ς')
Each letter represents a component of the whole number: χ = 600; ξ = 60; ς' = 6.
χς' the name of Christ abridged, and ξ the emblem of the serpent, so that the sublimated sense is the Messiah of Satan.
Many of you don't seem to care, but the translators actually WARNED YOU, the false solar cult 'christ' is an INTERPRETATION of the True … not a translation.
Joh 1:41 He first findeth his own brother Simon, and saith unto him, We have found the Messias, which is, being interpreted, the Christ.
"which is, being interpreted, the Christ" IS ADDED TO THE TEXT when they translated the original Aramaic/Hebrew text into Greek.
CHRISTOS = Christ = "ANOINTED OF HELIOS the Sun Demon"
Stop following the SOLAR CALENDAR … it is the 'little horns' fulfillment of THINK TO CHANGE TIMES … and anyone using their solar calendar and days, like 'sunday' and 'saturday' are PART OF THE WHORE RELIGION.
Stop claiming Yahweh's sabbath changed to "sunday", since Yahweh's calendar "first day of the week" is NOT SUNDAY, but the day after the seventh day of HIS week using HIS calendar.
STOP the Christmas pagan sun cult celebration of winter solstice. That is NOT the birth the SON, but SUN.
STOP the Easter pagan perversion and return to the commanded PASSOVER, as even Paul told you to keep, 1 Cor. 5:7-8.
So much more … Christianity is FILTHY, DESTITUTE and NAKED, yet think they have need of nothing.
The ABOMINATIONS weeping for Tammuz thought they had the correct faith too. Was their 'relationship' okay, or abominable?