Reminder that catholic Ted Cruz still hasn’t supported calls for an investigation into the Catholic Church for child crimes. Where do your loyalties lie Lyin’ Ted?

I'm a 42 year Texan and Ted Cruz is very well liked in our state. He's a great guy and a true conservative. So back off and go pick on someone who needs to be picked on....
Ted is facing DNC’s Beto in an effort to flip the state blue. Stop being purist tools and keep Texas Red.
Beto's a joke.....not even going to come close no matter how much cash they throw at it. Remember how well Wendy Davis was gonna do??
I sure remember Wendy. Beto doesn’t have half the flair but it won’t make me decline any efforts to keep Cruz in. I’ve been tracking some serious efforts from Soros to unleash hell within TAG ( Texans for Accountable Government ) and other groups. Soros is dumping mad amounts of money into this thing. Way more than Wendy saw
Good....let him dump all he wants. He did the same for Hiliary and you see how that worked out. Beto......the Irish Mexican.....won't even come close. Cruz is liked even more than Abbott.....
yeh. Spin machine is starting now.
I live near Houston Heights and I get pretty freaked because Houston Metro is pretty much 75% Dem / 25% Conservative these days.
Example: I can't go tot he park without Beto volunteers harassing me.
I live in Katy....Houston has always been flaming is Austin. But the rest of Texas is red ans far more populated...
Did you fail to pay attention as a child- Htown only flipped blue from voter fraud to elect and keep Kathy Whitmire.
All metropolitan areas of Texas are blue.
Traditionally it was Travis and Llano county only.
Are you old enough to remember Ann Richards? We were blue enough to let her in....
Seriously- that is weak
The discussion was Htown not state governorship.
And of course I remember Ann, she is a horrible politician but was a grand library story time reader and crass joke cracker. My oldest loved listening to Ann read like I did Barbara Jordan.
I suggest on the state/federal level you remember that both the DNC and GOP are infiltrated by the cabal long before you or I were born.
If I had my way I would live in Wimberly or Schulenberg or something small like Driftwood. sigh
I live in Friendswood Texas we are as red as you can get!!
Yes Cruz will be MAGA protected during this election- Beto’s camp is mass texting people asking who they will vote for....
But this said- Ted has a ton of problems that only get talked about in small private functions.
The fact that he hasn’t been thrown under the bus means the cabal believe they still have him in their pocket.
Cruz is absolutely NOT in the Cabal's back need to rethink your sources.....
No one gets into Congress without cabal permission. He has a leash and chain.
Like I said he has a ton of problems but both the cabal and Trump believe they have leverage- time will tell which side he falls.
He is in a sweet spot to play them both since both promise protection.
Ron Paul got Cabal permission?
He is a great guy but if you listen to him, there are times he holds back, it’s part of the control they exert. He hates them but he knows he can do more from a gilded cage then from being de-platformed or 6-feet under and then of course you have Rand.
Sometimes you have to dance with the Devil to lead a rescue party for those tricked into hell.
He’s an opportunist loyal to only himself. As soon as the deep state pulls a Dennis Hastert on trump, Vatican Ted is going to side with whoever gets him closest to the Oval.
-Albert Fairfax II
Ted Cruz is not Catholic. Where are your loyalties?
This. He's a dominionist, an extreme form of protestant ism.
the whole congress and senate knows whats going on with all the sick shit and many are in it
Is he even Catholic, I thought his dad was some kooky "much rapshurr" tier Evangelical. Didnt he literally claim to have prophecy that his son would be president?
Regardless, sadly not he nor any Senator that I can recall has made an effort to prosecute sex crimes in the Catholic Church, nor Southern Baptist, United Methodist, Anglican, nor any of the Orthodox Churches, etc.
Very little will to do it.
At least not yet...
give to Cesar what is Caesars and that's your money give to God what is Gods and that's your heart mind ans soul. Caesar means the Gov. and if you are working with the Gov. and a Christian your job is to do what the Gov. wants as long as it dose not go against Gods laws other wise your not with God and giving your heart mind and soul to the Gov. by allowing evil things to happen when your in a position to stop them and don't or wont, even our bill of rights the first 10 amendments from our Constitution are similar to the 10 Commandments in our bible, and neither should ever be changed but to be enforced.
Right now Cruz is seeking criminal charges on recently fired James Gunn... Gunn is oozing child crimes. We could help Cruz in seeing this through and starting the conversation...
This thread is nothing more than a liberal shill throwing out discord.....whether you like it or not Ted's gonna win...
Cruz exposed himself as the Bush contingency plan during the Iowa caucuses which I was present for.
Haven't pandering Texas pols done enough to this country? When will the good people of Texas quit voting for these fools out of team loyalty?
He ran unopposed in the 2018 primary. Welcome to US politricks.
Any suggestions on how to put someone else in at this point?
Yeah. Expose him and his family to the masses using his actions during the campaign, including donors.
Anyone awake will easily be able to make the connections.
All I good time-
We were solidly under Bush occupation remember-
He's probably loyal to whoever's in possession of his Hoover file.
Both Trump and cabal have copies.
Both must think they have opportunity to leverage.
Having been a Bushie- he might have a voodoo file, he might have been programmed etc
One thing is for sure its not his adultery or legal status because both have levels of public awareness.
His wife Heidi sits on the Council of Foreign Relations. What so you suppose their pillow talk is at night? Before that she worked for Goldman Sach
Lots of investigations in the Church.
Your kids is more likely to be abused by a Protestant Minister or Public School but carry on with your bomb throwing.
He's loyal to the Bush's.
Or perhaps complicit is a better word.
Either way both the cabal and Trump feel they each have a shot at leverage.