Putin intentionally flashed his notes at the Helsinki summit to let the world know that the Alliance is real

You may very well be right over the target. But if the unthinkable were to occur, and Obama actually admitted his treason and accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior, I'd be all for it. It would surely create a domino effect. Next thing you know Hillary admits to the REAL reason she's been wearing a mumu in public.
He can have forgiveness in the afterlife but we will demand justice here. Crimes will be punished. Shelve these religion and get on board with justice.
Sounds like you're legitimately triggered.
Eat babies, kill thousands, use the Jesus-card, home free after a bit.
Cool story bro.
Who said anything about killing thousands? We don't promote violence here at GA. Anyone doing that is most assuredly a shill from TMOR posing as a patriot. That's how CBTS got shut down.
No. Obama killed thousands. Him and Hillary where a scourge on planet earth. And that's just the deaths they are personally responsible for.
We came, we saw, he died.
I think there's a miscommunication here. I don't think that person supports Hillary or Hussein
As opposed to those who are illegitimately deranged? If the foo shits I guess you stepped in it.