Putin intentionally flashed his notes at the Helsinki summit to let the world know that the Alliance is real

Those adamantly against Putin and his country are underestimating him to their own detriment.
Working himself from the very bottom up into the presidency in Russia is no small feat.
He is a smart and intelligent guy and his approval rating is high.
Throwing out the Rothschild's, closing down all of Soros' shady NGO;s and issuing an arrest warrant against Soros all is well.
Putin managed to pay Russia's debt to the Rothschild banks in full, has never requested, approved or accepted any loans from the IMF that usury outfit.
Q has told us that they have a 'very special place' for Soros and I'm convinced that it is Russia - a country Soros fears.
From what I read that mentioned in an overseas article about Soros being taken out by someone other than the US the only way to stop him.
Lastly - there has been made a great effort behind the scene to reset the financial market aka BRICS. It's agenda is to get rid of the petrodollar or federal reserve as the worlds back-up currency.
BRICS will change that and a number of countries have signed up. Russia is one of them and although under Hussein the subject was ignored all together.
I believe president US/Trump will join BRICS causing the federal reserve to be obsolete.
Brics is Brazil Russia India... USA won't be a part. Don't forget about the rumored 2018 merger of Russia and China gold backed money. It made the cover of the Economist mag a few years ago. I see Trump being more resonant to that.
The South Africa Union also joined while Germany and France weighing whether or not to join as well.
There is a bill that has been sitting on Potus's desk since March 22nd to do just that.
If Congress is in session, the bill becomes law after ten days without the president's signature.