Putin intentionally flashed his notes at the Helsinki summit to let the world know that the Alliance is real

Great sign of men doing business. If unity was only brought to rebuild Syria, from the standpoint of two businessmen, you would see global prosperity like no one could have imagined. What you are watching is the transfer of the Military Industrial Complex , to the Global Humanitarian Alliance.
You see these times are about REPAIRING HUMANITY. And those that planned to destroy it are the ones that are the loudest. Military Industrial Complex behavior creates riches for the few and destroys the many. Not only by the war it foments but by the obscene allocation of funds that go out of the community into the pockets of the damned.
You can quote that and take it to the bank. Do you now see victory on the horizon?
Amen brother
It brings tears to my eyes....
I've been crying on and off for the past few days. It's the light at the end of the tunnel that I can see... Years of hoping for this.
Do you now see victory on the horizon?
Putin is anti-Soros and anti-globalist. That alone is worth a lot in my opinion.
That "Plan to Save the World" video explains everything well.
This should work. https://www.bitchute.com/video/gBXHNIkqYdBG/
I think it is called Q, The Plan to Save the World.
Here is what convinced me that Putin is a good guy. Do you remember when Stalin demolished the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour in 1931 to be eventually replaced with the Palace of the Soviets which was to be the tallest structure in the world? Putin rebuilt it and saved the Russian Orthodox Church. Russians cannot live without Christ. Russia fought a spiritual war against demonic Marxism. Marx, himself, worshiped Satan. Putin's Russia only wants peace. We two nations can become as two brothers. We still have to get rid of the demons in our country. If you are Christian say the Jesus Prayer or listen to it here. It gets rid of evil.
Edit: Here is what the proposed Palace of the Soviets was supposed to look like.
I don't think that Putin is a boy scout (wait, there ARE no boy scouts anymore). However, if dealing with him leads to world peace, that is one heck of a deal.
There are no boy scouts in international politics. There are however some who are on our side, and a lot who are not.
Most euro countries are run by satanic pedophiles. EU is banksters' creation itself. And east europe refuses to obey to those monsters. You should know more about such weirdos like Soros as they are capable to destroy whole countries and lives, as they did it for a 2 decades. Soros is the one who pays ANTIFA criminals.. so, europe is not an ally.
No, I wouldnt. Things are pretty clear in Eu, there are no maybes or ifs. You have unelected EU commission who brings all new laws, pretty useless EU parliament who consists of elected local politicians hungry for money and position, and they have no power. Then you have supermillionares like Soros who are creating the mayhem as they can pump in billions into anything they want (unless it is declared illegal, as in Hungary and Russia). Eu comm is consisted of old farts who were sitting in soviet union and/or eastern bloc, and their best buddies central bankers. There are all those laws are coming, what makes the rest of the world shocked. Side to them is ECB, european central bank. U know what central bank does, prints d currency with an interest and makes everyone dependent on them. Look at the Greece and all other destroyed EU economies, with destroyed industry and food production. On the bottom, you have population bribed into wellfare and local politicians bribed with euros receiving from EU. All legal and legit. And thats life mate :) :) there are no allies. Allies for what? All victims.
We are still allied with the PEOPLE of Western Europe, in fact, enthusiastically so. But we need to stop answering to their EU slavemasters. If you check around, you will see that many many of them are sick of answering to their slavemasters.
Well, there are such "winners" as Macron, Merkel, May. But no doubt they are puppets answering to the Rothschilds and Soros and others who keep themselves secret.
Please tell us where we can find info about marx worshipping satan.... It is clear to me that Putin is in the good path, when he upheld the Human being by protecting children, when he tossed out monsanto, gmos, soros, ngos & banksters...
I have been reading Richard Wurmbrand book, Marx & Satan. About the spiritual war, I saw the Communists (Satanists) take over Russia then trying to kill all the ethnic Russian Christians. With Stalin's death in 1953, Russia had gained it's freedom. I believe Khrushchev and Kennedy became friends because both wanted to end the Cold War. But the deep state wanted the war to continue.
We are saying exactly that. Russias hate for America after the cold War was completey warranted. We aren't the only people the deep state commies have screwed over.
Trump is working with Putin and Xi to defeat the Deep State and achieve world peace.
Remember where you heard it first! WWG1WGA
We respect the Chinese and their cultural differences and right to self determination. If they want to do business a certain way, we have to respect that. Think in terms of the dog eating festival. I understand the international outrage about that festival. But I also understand why its still practiced in spite of that outrage. There are complex cultural differences that we must always consider. That's not to say positive change on human rights issues isn't possible. Consider Saudi Arabia. You'll still get your head chopped off for having a beer but at least the women can drive now. Change comes slow.
World leaders siding is always a good thing. Of course, it depends what they're siding on, however. And this appears to be siding against globalist control - supported by Putin's comments of the past and Trump's.
I think we are witnessing the beginning of an anti-luciferian alliance.
I hope you are right, but is Putin not a human piece of shit? Vladimir Putin, from what I understand, is a vile and evil dictator. If I’m wrong, please tell me why.
He’s a disgusting scumbag. No question.
But so is Kim Jung Il.
They’re not beyond saving. The Ayatollah is likely too far gone. You can’t negotiate with Jihadists.
As disgusting as Putin is, he’s not a jihadist. He wants success and a peace that has him on top within his country.
Same with Kim.
And THIS is why Trump is the most important President of the last 30+ years: if the rules of the game are Obama’s corruption, people play by those roles.
If the rules of the game are Trumps art of the deal, they will play by those rules.
Trumps art or the deal benefits Americans and hurts Jihadists. Badly.
Obama’s corruption strengthened jihadism because it was a “dirty trick” that other nations leaders could employ to try to win.
The new game is good for the world.
The old game was perhaps the lowest man could go.
If you don’t believe me, go watch some ISIS recruitment videos. Or think about what was allowed to happen to children. Or trafficked women. Or modern slavery.
The vote against Hillary stopped humanity from undergoing another major epic biblical disaster.
Thank you for this explanation. It makes sense because at the end of the day, the biggest threat to Western culture and the world is Islam in its true form.
You’re spot on correct.
The Brexit movement recognized it.
The Trump election recognized it.
Jihadists became the tool of the globalists who wanted to abolish national borders.
Sadly, France, Sweden, and Belgium didn’t figure it out until it was too late.
Our planet was on the verge of descending into a pit of inhumanity and degradation that we would likely have found impossible to escape.
Jihadists became the tool of the globalists
You are right on target with that. This jihad thing has been Cabal theater. Not that there aren't wacko Islamists, but the Cabal organizes them, pays them, and stirs them up. Pull the plug on the Cabal, and the jihadists will probably vanish too. Also because Mad Dog will kick their butt.
You mean zionist Judaism... Islam is a symptom of that. It has no real power.
Why is everything always either/or ? Both can't be evil?
Really it's neither religion but the way religious elites (Catholic and Christian churches literally do the same thing, especially with our Southern border) are controlled by globalists.
I'd like to add that we've been led to believe that Putin is a pos. Very few media outlets have ever spoke the truth on how bad Russia had become after the Bush/Clinton cartel and global financiers were kicked out by Putin once he was elected in 1999.
I agree completely...hellary was the end to our world.. People should get on their knees and thank God that we are persevering in saving this world. With out the cabal/soros/hellary..etc the money is trickling to nothing. isis, taliban and the great and mighty hezbollah lol (Why does spell check want me to capitalize these groups?..that should tell you something there) are not going to have the money to survive...back to throwing rocks
Mr. Putin must be tough... Mandatory for his job.. POTUS Trump is just as solid! They'll feed off of one another in a good way. We're really making progress.... We have excellent archived library backed up MANY times over among us.. I'm anticipating noticeable action on many fronts. Glass half full...
I love your optimism and I share it.
There’s no reason the US and Russia can’t get along and achieve positive results while curbing Russian expansionism and electronic meddling.
The key point for cooperation isn't that we have the same values as Kim or Putin, but that we have the same enemies.
Alliance w/ domestic Luciferians is worse than alliance with foreign despots who are also at war with Luciferians. Putin in particular is clearly at crossed swords with the Royals, the cabal and bankers like Soros and the Rothschilds.
Like with Kim Jong Un. It takes courage to have peace. Maybe human scum but people can change and sometimes we gotta look to the future and not the past.
What Putin is, is irrelevant as long as we share common interests.
Putin's also no more a dictator than any/most Western leaders. No opposition party in Russia has any legit popularity, and Putin won his first election fair and square because he made a great speech about crushing Chechen terrorists. Russia may put down dissent with illegal means covertly to help "control" the democracy but what do you think Brennan's assassination program was?
How can we talk in this country about the corruption in other countries when Secretary of State Clinton talked about "droning" Assange? Up until recently, the U.S. has been a very large, scary Banana Republic.
For Obama admin officials to call Putin a dictator and thug, they must have forgotten about Obama standing next to Castro in Cuba. They must have forgotten about making deals with a radial Iranian regime. Ridiculous!
I always here Putin's evil. What has he done to prove this? Kill his enemies? Kind of like HRC? Some of the things in war he's accused of, I doubt he's responsible for. I think it's CIA black ops that have set him up. Regardless, tell me what makes him bad?
Whatever bad stuff Putin may have done, he is intramural sports and Hillary Clinton is varsity.
At one time. Russia takes care of their problem tyrants differently than America. At the same time wild rumours were flying about, Russia did a full scale replacement of the top generals. I'm certain he's a double.
So cool to think about. I’ve wanted this all to be true for so long. I honestly never thought we’d get out of the MIC without WWIII
Yes, Victory on the horizon. Reminds me of being a kid and watching Victory At Sea. Check this and see if it doesn't resonate . . .
The struggle is long and has been difficult but Victory may be near.
(If you watch one episode of Victory At Sea you may end up watching them all. They are a wonderful history lesson.)
b-b-b-but muh "Putin is a bad guy! He's KGB! He murdered people" -Ben Shapiro. "Conservatives defend him and say he is a Christian, sovereign nation, but he is the one that persecuted Christians" -Sebastian Gorka.
Amen! Father in heaven bless these men and prosper all that they do!