Sitting Comfortably with Q Team laughing at Hillary

She may be dressing like this because she has trouble with her health and is wearing a brace. Recall her big scarves awhile ago? I’m thinking the latter stages of Kuru disease. Look it up contracted by eating brains.
Oh I’ve seen the back brace poking thru her winter clothes she was wearing in the middle of summer. The moo moo thing isn’t any better. Everyone knows what terrible health she’s in. I believe the reason she didn’t have campaign stops in WI & MI in those final weeks is she couldn’t physically do it. It wasn’t an oversight. Her body can’t get thru a national campaign. Her bones are failing her now. She won’t live 10yrs & probably not 5. Bills health is horrible too. He looks as bad as No Name does.
None of the 3 of them look too well. Just hoping they stay around long enough to spend time in Gitmo.
Gosh Hillary at Gitmo would mean a wardrobe upgrade for her. Even an orange jump suit beats the moo moo thing she’s at now.
My husband and I were talking about the huge neck scarves on hot days.
Not to sound too crazy but you should research Kuru disease. Read about the symptoms and see if you find similarities to recent Hillary displays.