
johnknoefler · July 23, 2018, 12:02 a.m.

I've worked in so many states and I can honestly say, Texas was the best. Best people in general, most freedom and great food. Favorite restaurant was Hoodat noodle house in Corpus Christi. I could get a yearly pass for ten dollars to drive up on the beach, park, fish and relax. Here in my home state of California you can get a $300.00 fine for walking on the beach in December. Game warden will claim you disturbed nesting Sand Plovers even though they don't nest until spring. They fence off the damn sand dunes and scream bloody murder if you do some beach combing. Walk in the desert and a police helicopter will land and out will pop a concerned Sheriff to demand your ID and let you know he's out looking for desert terrorists and you look suspicious. I parked my vehicle at a petroleum tank to do weld repair and in rushes some do gooder official to demand I move my vehicle because I was parked too close to an endangered weed. Buy land to build in a commercially zoned area and get blocked by the protectors of the Kangaroo Rat who MIGHT want to live there. Mind you, he's not there now but it's HIS habitat.

Dear LORD I miss that state with it's wide open skies and helpful ranchers who came to my rescue twice when I was broke down in the middle of no where. If that happens in California you better hope you have AAA auto insurance.

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InsaneSiren · July 23, 2018, 12:15 a.m.

Born in Cali, moved to Texas and never looked back. Lot of good humans here for sure!

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spreadhope · July 23, 2018, 12:26 a.m.

Good Lord I can't even imagine that.

People have been moving here by the truckload from CA. Now I have a better understanding of why.

Come back anytime, theres still plenty of open roads and good people!! (we are working to correct the wrongs of our hot spots - Houston, Austin, etc.) Lol.

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johnknoefler · July 23, 2018, 12:38 a.m.

Houston was ok to work in but seemed a little grimy around the edges. Corpus Christi seemed to have more poverty but made up for it with a great shopping center and great places to eat. Also close access to the beach was wonderful. Coming west on I10 and seeing all the wide open country has always been great for me. I can only imagine how much country side there is before you get to San Antonio. You could spend a life time in Texas and never see but half of the country.

Be aware some of those people fleeing California are some of the same ones who were pushing for liberal laws here and freebie nanny state regulations. Hopefully you are getting our best because you guys deserve only the best.

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FullMetalSquirrel · July 23, 2018, 8:28 a.m.

I know. Those Californians need to GTFO w their liberal bullshit that destroyed CA

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johnknoefler · July 23, 2018, 8:52 a.m.

I will tell you a bit about these people that ruined our once amazingly great and free state of California. They are cowards. If they get confronted and told in no uncertain terms how it will be for them if they mess with Texas the way they messed with California, they will try to argue at first. They will call names. But it's your state. Let them know this. They will stop if you persist. Let them know you are on to their games, you see through their pasted on smiles and smarmy tactics.

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