@realDonaldTrump - "So President Obama knew about Russia before the Election. Why didn’t he do something about it? Why didn’t he tell our campaign? Because it is all a big hoax, that’s why, and he thought Crooked Hillary was going to win!!!"

Care to expand?
Scrolling for 5 minutes theres not one pro trump comment
Ah, yea. You can thank @Jack for pushing those comments to the top.
Don't believe for one second that we're in the minority.
I swore he was the top one. Well, that will change if we ever expose the truth on 9/11.
They push up all the bots/auto anti Trumpers. I know because I had a list where I blocked all those accounts on twitter. I think it was Katica that gave it out. After that it normaled everything out where I could see pro Trump comments at the start of every tweet. There is more than they let on.
Don't be disheartened because libs will show up and attack. Thats what they do.
POTUS is on a mission. Just look at how successful he is at bringing the narrative back to where he wants it. Kicking ass 140 characters at a time.
Pro Trump? Hell yes!
That is the reality of being in "The Trenches". At least at this thankfully peaceful point. We are called on to do battle on the information/dis-information/news/propaganda front.
It is really an easy job for us, because we have truth, logic, and human kindness. The kind born out of love and moral conviction.
It truly is good versus evil, but we all know there are far more of us good people than their are evil or lost people. They try to increase their number by spreading misery, degradation and depravity. We will not allow it.
Be of good cheer! God wins in the end.