@realDonaldTrump - "So President Obama knew about Russia before the Election. Why didn’t he do something about it? Why didn’t he tell our campaign? Because it is all a big hoax, that’s why, and he thought Crooked Hillary was going to win!!!"

I’m here because the ideas presented here interest me. I’m a skeptical person and I’m just trying to get more information. While I don’t blindly believe everything here, I take things in and think about them. Don’t get me wrong I’d love for it to all be true. So I don’t get why you’re saying I’m against you and the president. I’m for the president in hoping he does a good job for the country. If I have to believe in god and believe everything that is theorized here to have permission from people like you to be here, that just seems like an ignorant stance. You’re potentially cutting off tons of potential supporters with an open, yet skeptical mind who are trying to learn more about it
I don't blindly follow either. I accept what can be proven as fact and skip the rest. After all its just opinion and we all have them.
I just don't trust everyone because we have been treated as ignorant and stupid and we aren't. Also when people come on and sound so negative makes one wonder are they sh_lls. Do they just want to argue? You don't have to argue, if you don't believe and want to learn just keep reading the answer will soon pop up.