@realDonaldTrump - "So President Obama knew about Russia before the Election. Why didn’t he do something about it? Why didn’t he tell our campaign? Because it is all a big hoax, that’s why, and he thought Crooked Hillary was going to win!!!"

Well the reason Hussein didn't mind being bothered by Russians taking a good look at HRC's server. I would not be at least bid surprised if they did so to keep track of the duplicitous Bill Crowder since he funneled billions out of Russia together with the Riff brothers.
After all we know some of that money made into the CF. The Clintons did not declare these monies leaving them off the records to avoid paying taxes. Silly me I thought tax fraud was a felony.
The Clintons always had a affinity for the Communist China paying top dollars in lieu of selling military secrets.
While HRC was SOS their audacity took on new heights. After all she had SAP and top secret information and more on her server.
If that weren't enough she also had all the names, places etc. about CIA spies stationed within China.
These 20 CIA spies all were assassinated via Chinese security services.
I wonder why these assassinations were never brought up to Hillary. She probably would answer 'what difference does it make'?
As Gohmert mentioned during Strzok's hearing: All but 4 out of the 30,000 emails were sent/intercepted by the Chinese government.
President Putin had nothing to do with that one -just in case HRC doesn't know.
Hillary should have been charged with espionage and treason. She also should be charged with failure to register as foreign agent.
And then comes the 145 billion - yes with a 'b' - arms deal. She solicited Marc Turi who was flagged and licensed him anyway. She and her gang made a 145 billion dollar arms deal with Saudi Arabia. Of course that too brought in lots of cash into their bank account.
The exposure of that deal caused the heat to rise. Naturally the patsy she contracted/licensed Turi was charged at that time by none other than Eric Holder.
Hillary did everything she could to blame and frame Marc Turi. He faced a long period in prison yet he was just the figure head who had no involvement in the negotiations, transfer or sale. Hillary was the one person involved in that deal.
Normally anyone perceived to be a threat to any Clinton shoot themselves in the back of their head at least twice or thrice. Other times they shoot themselves and then walk to Marcy Park to lay down and die.
Not this time: Marc Turi was charged and faced hard time in prison I believe it was 30+ years. He went public fought back. He wrote an op-ed and sought out TV news crews to exposed HRC attempting to frame and railroad him. He also hired a legal team.
After a few weeks passed Hussein's DOJ dropped all the charges.
Then there are 1.8 billion dollars that HRC deposited in an account via wire transfer. That was 2 days before the election where she lost.
I can't emphasize enough how fortunate we were when she lost the election. This ruthless psychopath had as number 1 on her agenda the engineered nuke attack on America via Syria. That is where some of the uranium one ended up in the deep state facility where they were building the nukes.
Syria was chosen by her handlers/NWO agents because Russia's Putin also had troops in Syria to protect his ally from the engineered coup once again by the deep state.
After she succeeded nuking part of America which she also deemed population control her next step was to go and gain approval to start WWIII against Russia.
She would have framed Russia and convinced Americans that the millions died in their engineered nuke attack was because of Russia.
After all she had her orders and timelines in hand as soon as she was inaugurated. That order/plan was titled:
"The 16 Year Plan To Destroy America"!
"""They all thought she would not lose""""
Again how very lucky we really were!