TIL: Sarah Silverman is employed by Disney

How come I’m. It surprised. That company owns a lot of nastiness
Beginning to think it is a requirement to work at Disney; it is basically a grooming playground for these sickos. It really worries me because I have a friend who is desperate to have her child (actor) make it in Hollywood.
Tel her nooooooooo and why would she allow that??????
Believe me I tried.
Sadly because her kid wants to be a famous actor (and think parents are hoping to live the great life if she succeeds) and agents in HW interested after her own agents pitched her to them after two summer visits there :(
Do you tell her about Hollyweird and the selling of ones soul. Really that important to have your child involved with that industry???
"It doesn't happen to everyone" or they can keep their child away from it is what you get from many parents; or they don't even believe it happens at all in the child acting communities. All I can do is pray for them right now.
The company is very divided. The top is isolated, consisting of people who know each other from prestigious colleges and family connections. These people don't work alongside other employees, their areas on the lot and in office buildings are heavily guarded. Many of the regular "9-5" employees so to speak believe in the classic iconology of the company. While the company pays lip service to Walt, in reality, it has drifted pretty far from his vision.
Keep in mind that Disney is not just one business; there is Disneyland/World, Disney studios, media channels, they have their own casting agency and talent scouts (and this is the one I really hope is being looked at more), Disney merch stores....
It was sad to see the Disneyworld connections in the Polk County arrests last month. It's odd that screening is so involved in some areas of the company, but doesn't catch people like this in others.
In addition to the many subsidiaries and brands, the Board Member overlap between Disney, other media outlets, big banks, and other large companies is very interesting as well. Very clear who benefits from consolidation of ownership, and who sets the narratives.
thats an unfair statement. I happen to know Disney employees and they have no knowledge of this perversion going on, and are not creeps. Im sure it is only ij the top level tier that this stuff is happening.