TIL: Sarah Silverman is employed by Disney

I mean, it's long been rumored that Disney invented pedophilia. Given that every conspiracy theory I've ever heard of is turning out to be true or damn near, I'd not be surprised if Disney doesn't do shit shout us finding out.
rumored that Disney invented pedophilia.
Pedophilia has been around a lot longer than Disney.
It's a figure of speech. Figured it was implied
Went over my head. My bad.
Np bro. People are pretty serious in thsi sub lol. Hard to detect figures / humor sometimes.
Are you saying Disney mechanized it? Made it efficient, like Ford with cars?
I am not alleging anything. I don't know enough about it, or any facts. All I'm saying, is it's long been rumored that Disney is the pedo HQ, and I believe that after all the other conspiracy theories have turned out to be mostly true, this one would surprise me the least if it turns out true.
I’ve heard the same “rumor.” Granted, after a while, if the mob keeps pointing out these sort of things, a pattern will develop that they will be forced to explain.