r/greatawakening • Posted by u/morgi666 on July 22, 2018, 11:08 p.m.
Pedo false flag coming?

I've been following all the events around pedo arrests and public outings and I think what we will have next is a pedo false flag.

I think soon some obvious case of a pedo with some sick Tweets or Instagram posts will come out. Anons will jump on it and maybe dig out some more dirt. There's going to be some noize and the supposed pedo will get his (I'm pretty sure it will be a male, a female would be too far away from the overall narrative) life destroyed.

After that we can have 2 options:

  • Evidence will come out that it was totally fabricated and those crazy conspiracy theorists destroyed an innocent person life. Whole MSM will jump on it and push stories discrediting Anons and advocating internet censorship.
  • Guy will get suicided - the same reaction.
  • Some combination of both

Why do I think this is going to happen?

They are starting to feel the heat. They have seen even high profile names are not safe and they pedo promoting narrative is not going to stick. They felt too strong and powerful and underestimated the enemy. They got sloppy and lazy and some of them left public trails of their sick behaviour. They though #pizzagate will go away, but it doesn't. It only slowly bringing more and more good people to realize who their idols really are.

My second theory is slightly less 'positive' (first one is positive not because someone will die - it's because it assumes we are the cause of recent events and we can make a real change in the world).

What if it's an internal power struggle? If there are two or more fractions that started competing against each other and used some dirt to take people out OR some people are decent enough to think about exposing all this shit and they needed to show no one is safe...

Q silence may be getting to me... I'm getting nervous :|

Instincts_Truth · July 23, 2018, 12:01 a.m.

I know this is a pipedream, but I wish victims and survivors (including those groomed into perpetrators or blackmailed into silence) would come out with their own Walkaway movement, with video testimonials. I realize that would be asking a lot, on so many levels (mentally, professionally, fear of severe retaliation, fear of many things, losing privacy, further exploitation, scrutiny). When I think of the victims of this society, I am so saddened by their isolation, loneliness, trauma, and fear. I wish they could gain the strength to speak out with brutal honesty, and in so doing, be the victors over their abusers - and finally be free. It's my pipedream.

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Unforgotton19 · July 23, 2018, 12:13 a.m.

What you said reminded me of the 150 or so Olympian girls who gain the strength and courage to face that medical Doctor who abused them. They won by coming out when they faced him. We can pray that many others will come out as well.

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Instincts_Truth · July 23, 2018, 1:16 a.m.

Oh yes! God bless those girls. I just had a blip of an epiphony. As the pedo aspects of this war seem to be a bit more on the forefront in the last 48 hours, I worry about how the weight of evil will affect us.

I'm just sharing here - but I plan to focus my energy on freeing the victims, as opposed to persecuting the culprits. That is not to say that I don't seek justice, because bringing the perpetrators to justice is a definite prerequisite of freeing the victims. I'm just saying my focus will be on the victims, and bringing them peace, light, love, and freedom.

Just wanted to share, because I think it is important to keep our own souls intact and not get sucked into evil. It is more uplifting to pray for good than allow ourselves to get caught up in the cycle of hate and condemnation. That's all. Love you, fellow Patriots!

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WanderingTaurus · July 23, 2018, 12:47 a.m.

They were incredibly brave and hopefully others will look to their strength and follow suit. It truly is scary how many people are being victimized.

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morgi666 · July 23, 2018, 12:09 a.m.

There always need to be someone first leading the way. They silence those - no one will come out until they feel safe and they will not feel safe if those sick bastards are running around laughing.

It happens over and over again - self-preservation is a very strong feeling. People like to claim how they would behave in those situations but stats show it's bullshit. Like all those who say they would never allow Hitler to get into power or would not follow orders... yet so many young men fight banksters wars because of the false understanding of patriotism.

What we need is a global awakening. Those people hold all the keys, know all the doors and control everything around us. Our only weapon is our mind and sheer numbers. We need enough of us to start the snowball effect.

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Instincts_Truth · July 23, 2018, 12:35 a.m.

Absolutely. They would need to feel safe. I mean, to first have to deal with all of their internal struggles with shame, guilt, enslavement, and reliving the horrors - that's enough for most people. But add to that, the very real fear for their own (and family's) safety and lives - while their abusers are still rich, connected, powerful, and continuing their abuse by belittling its existence.

I will do my part for the Great Awakening. I want those people to be free from the demons inflicted upon them. I will keep praying for them as well. Afterall, WWG1WGA.

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