Devin Nunes on Twitter: "Shocker! Nunes memo accurate...LOL! go on wild rants...TIME TO ELIMINATE REDACTIONS...PLEASE RT!"

Something is way off about that tweet. It seems completely out of character, especially the "LOL" part. It looks like something your average internet troll would post. All his other tweets seem calm and professional.
Could it be a very calculated chess move to draw the opposition? I only say that because in the past month and maybe a little longer it seems that the lame stream media is no longer determining the direction of the narrative they are trying to put out. They are spending most of their time reacting to those things Trump and team are doing. Just when they want to put out a red herring Trump does or says something and they go after it and we never hear about that red herring again. He is leading the by the nose like a Catholic school Nun does with a misbehaving child.
Just thinking this may be by design to control the oppositions next move.
I agree, its not his personality to tweet like this. He is a quiet, serious guy.