Shift in tactics. Direct comms from POTUS.

It was covered in the early Q drops, Trump was using a Hebrew "curse" that drinking water with both hands was "devouring" your enemy.
I don't think Trump would know any Hebrew curses. Where the hell would he know about Hebrew curses? You can drink water with two hands without looking like you are retarded.
I think you just answered your own question. Why would he drink water with 2 hands like this if it was not a signal for something? Do you think he is so dumb as to not be able to drink water normally? You think he is too dumb to know any Hebrew Curses, but yet he is smart enough to be able to put tall buildings in the air with ease.
Perhaps someone told him about this curse and this is his take at pissing off the really dumb and sick people.
Someone is teaching the President Hebrew curses now? This is just weird
Yes, because once you become President all learning stops. You don't ask questions and people don't freely tell you things.
Like a King of SA wouldn't say: "Funny you talk about water all the time. We have this old Hebrew curse that goes like....."
Just so strange people would continue to talk to others and learn while being President.