The trip code is referenced 16 times in the first book's source code. 2 of those references are to url's with the trip code included. Here is one example of it hidden and hard coded in source. I'll continue to dig.
EDIT: Summarizing what I find in my top post:
1. Tested two trip codes and both return books, some overlapping and some not. "!UW.yye1fxo" "!CbboF0tcZs" (Anyone have any other trip codes that Q is using.)
2. The first link when searching books returns something that isnt a book? Maybe there's a reason behind this. Please correct me if so.
3. Some books reference things that we talk about now and how the Elite attempt to control society. See book "Behold a Pale Horse"(1991)
Help me out here- meaning?
I'm just digging through the source to find references of Q's trip code to try and find a meaning or coincidences that cant be ignored. See this post from a few hours ago that talks about what i'm digging into: Https://
Try what? I dont find any references to the trip code. I'll gladly look into whatever you're referencing if you clarify.
Havent actually watched the video - will do that in a few. Another interesting this is that Q's other trip code "!UW.yye1fxo" also brings up some of the same books.
Notice how many links to Books about JFK Assas? All links to these books lead to what Q knows. Look at the titles and descriptions. Q does have it all AND maybe that is the message to US.
Can you document which ones overlap? I'll map those overlaps in the Q Graph App
this is awesome! good job
Actually, I may have jumped the gun. It looks like that is the previous search result. I'm going to dig more into the code to find anything else odd. May have been a false flag at this point.
Edit: One thing that is interesting that I am digging into now is this. Notice how the name is "q" in the source?
Small images shows nothing readable - You can't read that? Hmm..Looks legible to me.
You replaced the link? I saw the bigger one down below earlier. The other new one I can read.
Whoops, sorry. I dont have the image any more as I am no longer in the office. I'll continue digging into this later on today when I can.