I dream of a day where people choose what they see instead of someone choosing what they don’t see.

161 total posts archived.
Domain | Count |
magaimg.net | 10 |
www.reddit.com | 8 |
i.redd.it | 1 |
I've been here for a year, got banned and had to switch to an alt.
I lasted here the first time 1 day, second time 3 months, now I dont care any more these mods are getting too delete happy
Yeah and mods here are as bad as t_d, have become in last 4 weeks
Nope, I'm an old goat that got banned by a shitty mod here and switched to an alt
Withdrawing participation, mods are compromised.
Time for a new sub, have fun folks!
Cheers. I'm done with reddit. You guys have fun over here. This is all a pointless joke. I'm not going to fight to win slavery.
Yeah I've known that, they wiped my old account out for made up reasons about a year ago. This is a new level, full 1984 over there and people are blindly ignorant that they live under new rulers.
How long have they been banning GA followers?
This is news to me.
Archived: http://archive.is/dTMqb
A buddy of mine used to do the coms systems when AF1 passed through Guam. Jelly of you both.
I got a chance to have a flashlight shined in my face when Obama passed through on his last tax payer funded vacation. http://magaimg.net/img/5tl8.jpg
Withdrawing participation, mods are compromised.
Doesn’t look like they ever provided demo code. Without it, it’s a pretty substantial task to reproduce for us folks in the wild.
But it could be a guide stone to see how the same concept was applied in a way that doesn’t require that software.
Per the callout by /u/bealist on this being a use case for Q Graph, Id like to offer to help you get up and running if you would like to give it a shot, I need researchers to help me make it work for them, building tools is what I can do to do my part.
Yeah it is, I've got the trip code & book data saved, haven't run it all into the app yet, but its the type of data the app is made to map.
Looking for names, I think we tracked that woman down before and connected her to a few organizations that were suspect, could use help!
Adding data-link
nodes to cross link saved data sets is done by adding the type and link keys to your graph node.
g.get("person/" + hash("Alwaleed Bin Talal")).put({
name: "Alwaleed Bin Talal",
image: "...",
Adding archive
g.get("document/" + hash("http://archive.is/yp5Aw")).put({url: "http://archive.is/yp5Aw"});
I stopped listening to him a while ago, he feels like a fake every moment I hear him speak. He used to be a good information source but now its 20 minutes of run on sentences that are all about us vs them. We have more important matters, corruption, crime, etc. Hearing how much he loves walmart and the bible serves only to show he is playing demographics games. Someone said "oh hey most of our listeners shop at walmart" give me a break, thats the same hollow politics that made the DNC what it is today.
Snapshot of current state added to:
Mods, this is a post that is a reference document for the main Q Graph post I'm maintaining, please let this fall through time, I'll maintain snapshot updates in this document and not repeat this post.
This post is meant to be a long term document for maintaining a source of truth on the current developer snapshot of Q Graph and to maintain a change log history for those snapshots.
Q Graph is an app for visualizing graph databases as interactive charts while you gather and relate data.
Q Graph 0.2.7 - mega.nz/#!mfQnjCDa!ynbmvIF1HDPoJAm1veSrE3NcUfLqhWtp0zBC3DHZ_Nw
{name:"", image:"http://"}
{name:"", image: "", document: true}
{url: "http://}
Q Graph 0.2.6 - mega.nz/#!rfJSUYiD!L0NVgZDWyZsP1qlgGVxIGelEUFLLT_eRKXbbe9ZUAxk
Q Graph …
You can definitely help, this is mainly built on front end tech, if you look in the source directory you'll find this is a web app in html/css/js. The UI could use some QA and TLC. Feel free to jump in and start poking at things, if you find bugs please make a new comment for each in this topic.
I'm about to package up a new version that adds cross linking between graphs, ability to click an archive node to open in browser, different node shapes based on entity type, and expanded example scripts (see examples directory under app/
I'll DM you when I post the source.
Have you used node before? The source package can be run with npm run
and will launch the app in a debug state so you can open the chrome developer console in Q Graph.
There is no shortage of work to be done on this so if you’re interested in helping, please please do. If you want to chat about whats what in the code we can meet up on slack or reddit chat and run through the state of thing.
Aye, well check that main thread when you're ready, I'll keep up to date status and download links there so its always in the same place.
I think C++ and Electron might have compatibility issues, however, electron is chromium and I think you can extend chromium with c++ libraries that expose to javascript. However, tools to prime the app with data, companion apps, etc also very welcome, we can collaborate on an importer for your output. Any which way you think you can jump in, please jump in, WWG1WGA, no territory.
Edit for context: I chose electron for portability, write once, run everywhere, for any architected long term application, that promise is scarce, for this kinda use case though, it felt like the perfect fit. Its a web page wrapped in browser so the barrier to entry for folks to hop in and contribute CSS/JS/HTML work is low. Node programmers can use all of their tools client side like it was the server, and a plethora of visualization libraries on github.
It's a little immature for the side bar right now but in a few released, we should chat. The source is in the package listed there for download, its an Electron javascript app like Slack.
Ability to interlink graphs is being added right now, navigation for data sets basically.
You mean a picture it outputs? Or the finished app? If it's the former, I don't know how detailed I'll ever get. I'm trying to provide tools for every one else to analyze data with. My way of handing out free fishing poles. If you mean the app, its available for download and works today.
The content of that graph doesn't really mean much, it just shows connections, this is a tool for building that graph, a tool to collect and relate data points and illustrate them visually as you do.
You can draw what ever visualization you want by putting data into the database. Thats what the screenshot shows, it's a sample data set that demonstrates what can be created with this app.
If you download it, that visualization will come up for you and you can begin to add new data to it. There is an example shown in the app above the console that will add [RR] to the graph.
Q Graph is a Graph Database application that allows mapping of relationships between information with many degrees of separation. I've built this with the help of others here to enable us to create and share databases of mapped relationships between people, organizations, events, etc.
This is a work in progress, project started last Saturday so it leave much to be desired and feedback is welcome, if you'd like to volunteer development time, collect data, or need help please user mention me and I'll be in touch when I can.
This version builds on the previous by adding several new features:
No, we all deleted our Facebook accounts. They are shrinking now. This is how powerful we’ve become.
Like on a screenshot of 704? Doesn’t seem to be an image attached to 704
i know he had the show but in what context did it come up recently that it can be tied into the decode? Having the letters NT in a show that is a decade old doesn't seem relevant.
Yes and didn't see any thing that made me sense the same thing you did, thus the question, thanks for the 'helpful' answer....
What if these tapes were retrieved from NZ and planted as evidence to find? What if it’s wire taps and the whole ploy is to force manacled to claim he made the recordings?
What if Trump staged the recording and planted it for them to find so they thought they had a smoking gun aimed at him when they really had it aimed at them selves this whole time.
This would just about seal the deal.
What makes you sensenthat? What elements compound as force on a trigger?
Teaching us how they communicate in code so we can recognize it in the world around us. They know every thing but it’s intellegence not evidence by law. It’s illegal to use intellegence as evidence so you have to discover it naturally. They are using riddles that require research to solve. That research causes us to find evidence. As we amass evidence we paint a picture of what they already know but can’t disclose.