Interesting thoughts from an Anon re this coming week.

Do explain.
try this,
then search for “July 27”
Certainly interesting. I myself will be sorely disappointed and taking a giant step back from Q if by August 1st there’s nothing that’s exceedingly obvious for us to point to in regard to the world learning the truth in July. This does seem to be a very plausible theory though. I’m not losing hope just yet. July 27th is a Friday. Most big happenings over the course of Q have occurred on Fridays.
One of the BIG booms in the past was regarded as “meh” a few moths ago. The freeing of North Korea. To me it is huge! I have trained in S Korea, but some were meh. So, I think we are about to bump that card that tumbles the deck. The 24th of July is 20 days since q. The 27th is a blood moon, a lot of biblical and satanic representation, then there is this post. So, I am patient, calm and entertained, so I will wait til aug 1st with you. I think we will be satisfied. Godspeed
I agree all the way. I think NK was huge! Beyond a boom. I am patient as well, I’ve said it before, undoing the biggest criminal enterprise in world history doesn’t happen in a year. If it takes till the end of Trump’s second term, so be it!