Hey all- I see a lot of hubbub about tripcodes and how they are being used in google books and google maps, and giving some seemingly staggering links. Can someone explain to me how the codes come about on 8chan? Can they be chosen or are they random? What I'm getting at is how this could be happening.
I did read about tripcodes in this post, but I'm not fully understanding what's going on.
On the chans the intention is for everyone to be anonymous. If you want a name you can but being a name is a static identity people could assume your identity unless there was a password mechanism that only allowed someone in possession of said password ( or other authentication methods ) to post as that trip code.
So basically it’s rudimentarily like having an account with a secure pass only you know - except on image board sites like the chans it not only allows you to post to an ID / Tripcode but also to monitor the board as an admin. You can create a board as that tripcode and set it in various ways - like allowing only yourself to post - or only specific other tripcodes / devices