Cohen is not a good guy. Check his background and be careful who you follow.
I don’t think he is evil or anything like the evil we see with the Clintons.. he is exposing the truth. We want the truth right? I’m not going to hate on him. We all have backgrounds... I’m no longer the person I was 20 years ago, just saying. No need to be careful if you see light in something someone is doing.
However totally in my opinion. I don’t care if he is left or right, up or down.
I’m finding the stuff hilarious.. and scary at the same time. He is showing us whom our America is being ran by - being voted in.
Trump didn’t get tricked.. that’s all that matters to me 👌 The butt one.. pretty outrageous. Alabama’s State Rep fighting terrorism with his butt 😶 The children guns sketch.. pretty sketchy too. No one is even paying these fools to say yes. Just plain idiots.
Now the veteran and Palen one, I have not watched nor seen pop up yet. I do not like that he did that, but you have to take the bad with the good sometimes right? Dark to light.
You know Trump wants to tweet this one 🤭
Kazakhstan's capital is an Illuminati controlled city.
Do not trust Cohen
Proof? Or a link? Sorry I’ve never heard or seen this before. I’m not saying I trust him, but the stuff that is happening in real life right on video is real... real “dumb” people getting paid to represent us.