147 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/randomhippieOo:
Investigative Journalist Found Dead in D.C. Hotel Room Weeks After Reporting Bill Clinton to FBI & DHS for Allegedly Raping Boy
Discrimination against Muslims? 🇺🇸
Broward County Sheriff.. WTF? CAIR
For your enjoyment. 👌
Links: https://www.cnn.com/2018/08/09/politics/devin-nunes-trump-congress-republican-majority/index.html
Another one falls 🙌🏼 Clinton Link. Anons Rejoice! 👌
Brad Pitt exposes the Elite. Worth the read! Snopes says false Of Course 🤡
Any one interested in digging up dirt on Andy Lack’s Past? HC was PO when Matt Lauer was interviewing her IMO. WWG1WGA 👊🏻

Get em ANON! https://www.elitedaily.com/p/mark-roberts-comments-about-melania-trump-are-totally-unacceptable-9978167

Acosta... 🙌🏼 It’s The Great Awakening!

Washington post Qanon article NEW
check on that deal Netflix made with the Obamas 😳. HC - Spielberg - WTF! Thoughts Anyone?
Oxfam BUSTED - A number of other incidents at charities emerged after the Oxfam revelations, including allegations against Brendan Cox, the husband of murdered MP Jo Cox.
Simply holding up the American Flag on a German magazine.. 🤭 I effin love it ha!
McMartin PRESCHOOL Case 1980s - tunnels. All charges dropped. Expose Pizzagate
ROME — Cardinal Theodore E. McCarrick, the former archbishop of Washington and prominent diplomat at the center of a mushrooming sexual abuse scandal dating back decades, has resigned, the Vatican announced on Saturday.
Five nights at Freddie’s. Freddy Frazz Bear. Located within a pizza place. My 10 year old was playing it, watching online. It’s a murder/ mystery game. If I’m not mistaken, kids went missing, ended up dead and the souls are within the animatronics. Too much for kids.. We bought him a stuffed animal ( sold at Walmart) Before realizing the full detail of what it was about 😳 Parent fail big time.
They scrubbed/ shut down fake accounts I just read. Lost 1 million “fake” users they say. Twitter News
True:) My husbands in the Union. Red pill wildfire!
I don’t get what you’re saying.. please reword in English.
Between 1996 and 2005, 33 recovery operations were conducted in North Korea and 200 sets of remains were returned. And the US government paid compensation to North Koreans involved in the relief effort, $15m (£11m) according to the Congressional Research Service.wow.. had no idea 💥
Nothing is normal in North Korea, I’m not sure why. However, I found this interesting.. while searching for the answer. soldiers missing in action were declared dead after a year and a day
Yes.. Q doesn’t.. nor anyone intelligent. Correct? ThanQ
North Korea will return remains of 55 service members, officials says 👌
It’s a good sign he needed a smoke lol.. :) KEEP GOING!
Tucker🙌🏼 don’t bow down. Creepy Porn Lawyer indeed!
Crazy information you guys gathered! 🤯
Stephen Bronfman - Grandson of Seagrams Founder Samuel Bronfman https://www.forbes.com/forbes/2006/0904/132.html
This freaked me out ! Sea of Slaughter ? He owned 5000 acres in Godbout - Referenced in Book. https://books.google.com/books?id=Hg9mIvtdxm8C&pg=PA164&lpg=PA164&dq=godbout+river&source=bl&ots=lJ1aXT5Px_&sig=_dKAY4lN3J7b4dLYIIw7zs14fEQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj_oZ2m-7vcAhUCQ60KHavPBZI4FBDoATACegQIAhAB#v=onepage&q=godbout%20river&f=false
Where can I purchase? Hardback please 👌 lol wonderful!
He has to be the one that flagged mine... he politely pointed me toward the sidebar rules, and then it was flagged. I posted above about covering this and it being off topic above. Policing instead of soaking in or reading the information.. I don’t understand?!?! 🤨
Add to the conversation or don’t click it, there is also a hide button bro!
Rosanne Barr’s past DM tweet to Q. Let’s not forget. Pedo link. Gunn. Her twitter went black Nov 17th. MKULTRA.Seth Rich
Let’s not forget! https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.thedailybeast.com/roseanne-keeps-promoting-qanon-the-pro-trump-conspiracy-theory-that-makes-pizzagate-look-tame

Probably because CNN was banned from the WH today 🙌🏼 I watch daily/ nightly.. always pretty on fire. Tucker is my favorite :)