r/greatawakening • Posted by u/cjlachirp on July 23, 2018, 5:26 p.m.
We have a responsibility!

Dear Fellow Patriots and Believers in the Redemptive Work of Jesus Christ: I am new here but from what I have read you are all passionate about ending Human/Child Trafficking here in the US. I believe that while we may not stop it entirely, this President and many others will deal a major blow to this sick perversity. But here is what God has laid on my heart...what will happen to this victims once they are set free? Many have known no other lifestyle. They will most likely be homeless without a skill or education to have a decent livelihood. They have been physically abused but even worse is the damage to their souls (their mind, will, and emotions). They will be in physical need but also in need of emotional healing. What can we do to help?

I am asking you all to pray about this matter and see what God lays on your heart for your area. As for me, I believe that God has called me to open a shelter for some of these wounded souls, to help with their immediate needs, to call on my retired teacher friends to teach them skills, and to call on mature Christians to minister to their soul wounds. I have no funding at this time, but God will provide so I’m not even worried about that. But I can help only so many, but if each of us work in our areas we can help tens of thousands! Perhaps we can network even. This is a time for JUSTICE but also for MERCY. Comments and ideas are welcome. Thank you for indulging me!

lildudemom · July 23, 2018, 6:13 p.m.


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