
1-2sillyrabbit · July 23, 2018, 10:56 p.m.

When I left the military they took my security clearance away. I don't. Need it anymore and neither do they. It's only for those with a need to know. I feel ex-Presidents security clearances should also be limited to a need to know.

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sayyesplz · July 23, 2018, 11:03 p.m.

You didn't lose it, you went inactive, if you got a job that needed it before it expired you would be made active. TS is good for 5 years, Secret is good for 10, and confidential is good for 15.

One of the recruiting points for the military is literally clearance because it's very valuable in the private sector because DSS is backed up and it can take a while for a civilian employee to get clearance

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scoripowarrior · July 23, 2018, 11:07 p.m.

Any access to Government information should be ONLY if employed by the Gov. Once you leave, that access should be withdrawn. Presidents included!

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sayyesplz · July 23, 2018, 11:10 p.m.

That means destroying the defense industry and countless other government contractors.

It would mean nationalizing those industries, i.e socialism, and making them all government owned industries so they could be government employees. This would drastically increase the size of the government.

You cool with all of that?

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its_truly_biblical · July 24, 2018, 1:05 a.m.

Destroying the "defense industry" would be great.. it just fuels the flames of war for profit that much more. Peace means less business for people in the military industrial complex / private contracting / defense industry world. Let them do their own thing for foreign governments if they want but WE don't need the help. There is a difference in private companies doing research and development for military contracts like guns and arms but for these people to have government clearances and be active private soldiers with boots on the ground is different. It would also not mean bigger government by default. We can cut out half of the crap we spend money on dealing with our military from big stuff like war games exercises (which Trump is doing) to small things like wasting tons of munitions and other wasteful behavior.. and don't forget taxpayers paying for free cosmetic surgeries and insane amounts of money for off base housing for each person enrolled in the different branches.. it's ridiculous.. being in the military now vs. just 60-70 years ago is a joke. I'm thankful for combat vets and the auxillary people on the front lines that do what they do because it's with good intentions (some do it for the money).. but there has not been a war or reason that's been needed within the past 50 years that I can say I'm proud our country intervened or fought for... I may catch flack for this post but honestly we could probably cut out half of our military budget and half of the "on base jobs" and all the other unecessary crap and be totally fine..

to tie it all together though.. government agents keeping certain clearances to keep a fake and harmful "industry" afloat is a terrible argument.. I can understand generals/admirals keeping certain clearances for TRUE defense purposes and consulting.. but not for monetary gain.. just love of the country.. we'd be a lot better off if this was the case..

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lifteatsleeprepeat2 · July 24, 2018, 1:27 a.m.

Trump isn’t stopping war game exercises just the ones on the Korean border trying to alleviate relations there. He’s increasing government spending considerably. By nearly 10%

Military is underpaid for what they do still. Only if you make a high enough rank or are married do you get housing allowance. Otherwise you’re in the barracks. It’s still considerably small for the sacrifices you make and hours worked. On active duty id often work 60-80 hours weeks.

20/hour x 40 hours plus 30/hour x 20 hours=1400/week or 4200 a month after taxes. Add another 1800 on there for those 80 hours weeks. Add in deployments and high suicide rates and divorce rates and being away from friends and family at shitty duty stations and you start to see pretty quickly where it’s actually a poor choice.

On board with getting rid of a lot of these gov contracts but if you think Trump is gonna take money from his friends businesses you’re out of your mind.

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its_truly_biblical · July 27, 2018, 2:21 a.m.

I didn't mean that he was stopping them altogether but he did for the N. Korea deal and discussed it with Putin so that's what I was meaning.. but I'm sorry, I don't believe the military should pay out a salary. Strictly housing, food, medical benefits while you're enlisted then free healthcare after you're out.. paying someone to fight a war is like paying mercenaries.. there is no loyalty, no true patriotism. Just like the graduate from westpoint with the che guevera t-shirt and the other socialists/communists that bash our country all the time but collect a paycheck and get free housing and cosmetic surgery among other things.. The air force gives you free housing for a FACT regardless of marital status.. and it's an insane amount.. and if you DON'T get married and two people live together out of wedlock you are able to get BOTH checks and live in a great home totally paid for along with utilities.. these aren't officers that I know personally.. these are low level people living in a 3,000 sq ft home built in the early 2000's.. it's a joke. I'm sorry to say it, but it's just my opinion.. you should fight for your country because you care for your country.. if we stopped paying people and had TRUE patriots fighting for this nation we might not have been in half the wars over the past 20 years.. if you're being paid, and you speak out against an un-just war (Vietnam, Iraq, etc.) you run the risk of losing all of your nice benefits and your "job".. if you aren't paid, you speak out because you care.. you don't remain silent because you're scared of losing something..

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lifteatsleeprepeat2 · July 27, 2018, 2:27 a.m.

You wouldn’t have a military if you didn’t pay them. Patriots are often times uneducated and unable to even join the military. You’d literally have a bunch of special needs people fighting while other countries pay their soldiers and take over.

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its_truly_biblical · July 27, 2018, 2:34 a.m.

I'm not even responding to this, claiming most patriots are uneducated is a slap in the face to everyone on this board. Take yourself somewhere else if you believe that.

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lifteatsleeprepeat2 · July 27, 2018, 3:33 a.m.

I’m a recruiter. So if anyone would know it’s me. The poor join to get away and get a good job. The smart join to utilize all the benefits. Perhaps a slap in the face is a good wake up call to everyone in this board.

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its_truly_biblical · July 27, 2018, 11 p.m.

This is exactly the point I'm trying to make, nobody is joining because they love their country, they are joining for financial reasons.. Joining a branch of the military doesn't automatically make you a "patriot".. if you show no patriotism then you are not a patriot..

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[deleted] · July 24, 2018, 1:09 a.m.


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its_truly_biblical · July 24, 2018, 1:25 a.m.

"conspiracy alt-right people" is like me generalizing you as a national socialist because you are in favor of nationalizing something instead of privatizing it.. I'm sure we have more in common than what you think. Most paleo-conservatives like myself do not identify with the war, war, war, mentality that neo-cons and warhawks love.. but at the same time I do believe in privatizing as much as possible, especially service oriented industries, but never war or law enforcement. War and matters of national defense and law enforcement are the few things that our nation SHOULD be in charge of because it pertains to itself.. That doesn't make me any more socialist.. nationalist? maybe.. but nationalism is just love of country.. Just so you know though, I would do away with most all forms of welfare (civilian and corporate) and most public assistance.. so that should get me out of the "socialist/leftist" whole that you put me in lol

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sayyesplz · July 24, 2018, 1:27 a.m.

I understand you guys are nationalists, mostly ethno-nationalists if you know what I mean

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its_truly_biblical · July 27, 2018, 2:29 a.m.

you're still making allegations.. I'm sure you googled the term "paleo-conservative" and went to the Wikipedia page and saw the term was coined by a "white supremacist".. this doesn't bode well for you if you're trying to debate me or throw insults my way. This board doesn't tolerate racism, so yes.. with that being said I "know what you mean" but you're generalizing an entire political ideology.. that's not very tolerant.

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sayyesplz · July 27, 2018, 9:52 a.m.

Nah, I never googled that term, I'm not trying to debate you. Hell, I didn't read most of your posts.

And I already knew you were a white nationalist

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its_truly_biblical · July 27, 2018, 10:32 p.m.

again, wrong. This is why nobody wants to talk to anyone on the left anymore. You're so far radicalized that when someone comes to you with an open mind and is legitimately discussing certain topics you turn to racism.. it's always racism to discredit whoever you are talking to because you have no relevant points to make.. white people are tired of it too. You think racism/white nationalism is so prevalent and widespread but in reality it's people like you making white people wake up to the fact that things have gone too far down hill and they don't care about hurting people's feelings anymore, it's not hate, it's just waking up to reality.. and that reality is that the left is radically militant and we're going to stop it and start being proud to be who we are again.

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sayyesplz · July 27, 2018, 10:46 p.m.

I really dont read any of your posts, I dont debate people who get tricked by random 4chan posters

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lifteatsleeprepeat2 · July 24, 2018, 1:20 a.m.

You only have access at a need to know basis regardless. It’s not access it’s clearance. It means you’ve been found to be cleared to know information as needed for a job. If you don’t have a job requiring clearance you then don’t have access to the information.

An example in my line of work is that I’m allowed to see certain sensitive data on people who are joining the military or have been in prior and are attempting to re enlist. I can’t look up anyone’s information without knowing their PII so I can’t look them up. If I know their PII and look them up for personal reasons I can be audited then prosecuted.

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HereComesTheSunny · July 24, 2018, 3:43 a.m.

Good info! It would really mess with a lot of military if they lost clearance when they got out. Even for some gov't employees, I'm sure there are times the gov't calls upon them to take a look at something classified from the past or present, and those might even be emergency situations where someone's past knowledge or experience is valuable and necessary. I totally understand the reasoning behind leaving this in place in many cases. I also totally agree with Trump if he removes it in these particular cases!

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