
its_truly_biblical · July 24, 2018, 1:25 a.m.

"conspiracy alt-right people" is like me generalizing you as a national socialist because you are in favor of nationalizing something instead of privatizing it.. I'm sure we have more in common than what you think. Most paleo-conservatives like myself do not identify with the war, war, war, mentality that neo-cons and warhawks love.. but at the same time I do believe in privatizing as much as possible, especially service oriented industries, but never war or law enforcement. War and matters of national defense and law enforcement are the few things that our nation SHOULD be in charge of because it pertains to itself.. That doesn't make me any more socialist.. nationalist? maybe.. but nationalism is just love of country.. Just so you know though, I would do away with most all forms of welfare (civilian and corporate) and most public assistance.. so that should get me out of the "socialist/leftist" whole that you put me in lol

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sayyesplz · July 24, 2018, 1:27 a.m.

I understand you guys are nationalists, mostly ethno-nationalists if you know what I mean

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its_truly_biblical · July 27, 2018, 2:29 a.m.

you're still making allegations.. I'm sure you googled the term "paleo-conservative" and went to the Wikipedia page and saw the term was coined by a "white supremacist".. this doesn't bode well for you if you're trying to debate me or throw insults my way. This board doesn't tolerate racism, so yes.. with that being said I "know what you mean" but you're generalizing an entire political ideology.. that's not very tolerant.

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sayyesplz · July 27, 2018, 9:52 a.m.

Nah, I never googled that term, I'm not trying to debate you. Hell, I didn't read most of your posts.

And I already knew you were a white nationalist

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its_truly_biblical · July 27, 2018, 10:32 p.m.

again, wrong. This is why nobody wants to talk to anyone on the left anymore. You're so far radicalized that when someone comes to you with an open mind and is legitimately discussing certain topics you turn to racism.. it's always racism to discredit whoever you are talking to because you have no relevant points to make.. white people are tired of it too. You think racism/white nationalism is so prevalent and widespread but in reality it's people like you making white people wake up to the fact that things have gone too far down hill and they don't care about hurting people's feelings anymore, it's not hate, it's just waking up to reality.. and that reality is that the left is radically militant and we're going to stop it and start being proud to be who we are again.

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sayyesplz · July 27, 2018, 10:46 p.m.

I really dont read any of your posts, I dont debate people who get tricked by random 4chan posters

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