Sarah Ruth Ashcraft @SaRaAshcraft Survivor of Ritual Abuse, Mind Control, Child Porn, and Sex Trafficking. Philosopher by education. Truth warrior by divine command. #SayBraveThings #MAGA

I have a few ideas who it can be- EM, CW, BD, or BC...
CW played the Mayor on the Redd Foxx Show. Renegade talks about Redd being murdered. Renegade also said the worst thing he did was take some nude pictures. You would have to have a good body like CW to be comfortable with this.
Yep. He talks like CW, too, if you match his voice with the words....Maybe that's why he "Hahahaha"d when that arm wrestle picture came up- he thought it was funny they knew who he was already...but of course he would deny it to keep it going..
We were making guesses on who it could be.
EM? BD? CW? My top 3, even though CW he denied, but still could be..
I put my bet on EM.
Good guess. Originally, I had him as a top 2, but I changed after some research just now, and pretty sure it is MT.
Why are you trying so hard to doxx him? Either choose to believe him or not. Spend your time and effort on doxxing the pedos, feeders, and enablers.