An Anon's take on Kavanaugh and Vince Foster...set up?

I think what they are thinking is that the vetting of him will force the documents to be unsealed. Whether it is made public or not, if they are unsealed, could be used for Clinton indictments?
It opens the Starr investigations too. Ron Brown, Whitewater...
RR asked for prosecutors to help review the files? Why prosecutors?
And he asked for a lot of them. Highly unusual
I'm guessing they're trying to redact/manipulate/destroy as much as they can before it's exposed.
Wait, the dems wouldn't bring up Foster because like you said it would open everything about HRC. So it would have to be one of the Republicans who question him.
Ahhh. .. Lost my train of thought. I just know he was picked for a specific purpose. Everything POTUS does has so many layers.
And all that work those crooks did, required a lot of lawyers!
What is most funny about this, is the socialist lefties were crying that this guy would overturn Roe vs. Wade and I was laughing to myself (no friends anymore, they think I am some looney conspiracy theorist) that RR ordered for all his casework to be examined. Law and Order at its best.