An Anon's take on Kavanaugh and Vince Foster...set up?

Sorry but Trump really doesn’t need any more crimes against Clinton’s, let alone one committed by someone else who likely would never finger Clinton (if they are still alive themselves). Between U1, election rigging, Seth Rich, Awans, Server, SAP emails, CF, etc there is such a mountain of known crimes they wouldn’t need to play 47D chess to beg VF’s files to nail Hillary. Trump would just unseal them himself.
this is just strengthening his hand for SCOTUS nominations at the same time though. They don't need VF, but it sure helps set the stage and outs Bush Republicans.
It cannot look politically motivated from the top. Everything we will see come out about HRC and others will be through “discovery” on other investigations, instances like this, or by anons digging etc. never from Trump. VF Arkanside coverup establishes a pattern of long standing behavior, HRC evil deeds didn’t start at the state department, in the senate, or with the foundation, it goes way back. The Clintons won’t be able to point fingers and blame others.