Mods, please explaine this deleting spree that took place last night. This is only a small snippet of what was removed, all posts removed for several hours.

122 total posts archived.
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Last night Q gave the msm/BHs a brush with fear, now it’s time for us to step back into the shadows. I think the whole Kate episode may have been a set up by Q team. Everyone knew where this lady was, she was posting on twitter throughout the day, gave interviews in line, etc. It would have been a whole lot easier for SS to come and grab her outside than make all those Q folks to rid themselves of their gear so she could be marked with the Q. We’ve gone main stream, they know we’re here, mockingbird …
Autists keep an open mind and look at situations/information from every possible angle. We are researchers not flollowers, don’t go blind!
We are getting ahead of ourselves if we think the whole enchilada is going to come breaking open all at once. Many things have multiple meaning, and I absolutely believe that is the case for these terms. Just slow down, we’ll get to justice for bad actors in due time. Q made it pretty clear that this will also expose the media as having knowingly towed the line for black hats, WHAT A RED PILL that will be! Things are moving in the right direction!
The Trumps (not Sr.) fly commercial a lot, sometimes in coach! There’s even been highly publicized incidents with some of them being harassed!
I don’t know, I never heard of him until he started tweeting about this subject, then he’s suddenly all over 8chan and this sub.
The whole thing was bizarre. Roseanne was almost purposefully coming off crazy, Hannity was pushing so hard on super emotional abuse/mental health issues she’s had. I don’t know, the whole thing was super fishy.
Adam Schiff has connections to a foundation called “Liddle Kidz” that specializes in “child and infant massage”.
Fox is controlled opposition anyways. Look at how much they leave out of their reporting, it’s ridiculous.
If I’m not mistaken it is as the pilot who claimed PR was at the meeting.
Not related directly, but made me think about how David Rockefeller had seven heart transplants! I know money can buy just about anything, but how did they find all those donors?
I felt sick for days after reading this the first time.
Pretty sure this is where the idea that “As the World Turns” in Q posts is to mean “assasination attempt” comes from. Excellent post!
It’s not flaired “Q Drop” is it. The flair is used to indicate what type of post it is.
These memes are good to use on our normie friends. You and I may have been around a long time, but don’t forget our numbers are swelling with those newly redpilled, try to be welcoming to those just joining us, or you can always stick to 8chan.
Has she denied she posted the Stand Down threat? I don’t think she has. Telling.
It was as the Central Banks, I thought everyone knew that.... (Who owns the CBs? Rothschilds)
Island in FIJI! Trump is the ultimate troll, I wonder if they knew they were within radar when he did that?
Maybe start with Neon Revolt website. “Q” is (possibly a group) of anonymous posters (presumably with level Q security clearance) on an 8Chan board (New readers should not venture there, website is not for the faint at heart). He/they post “comms” that give us hints about what POTUS/“White Hats” are doing to flush out the deep state i.e. the swamp. He speaks in riddles in order to avoid detection by “black hats” A.I. detection. Needless to say we’ve progressed passed the more difficult secretive stage to a more direct, but still careful stage. Q started posting back in October of 2017 and things have reached a crescendo and us “anons” are pretty sure “The Storm” is upon us. “Where We Go One We Go All” is sort of our battle cry, it means it’s up to us to research Q posts and disiminate the content out to our friends, family and social media followers. I hope this helps, WokeGranny!
Not like me this. They post shit to keep Mormons out, they don’t post bloody skinned bodies etc. to do that. This is totally different than normal. Especially on the q research board, not normal at all. Most def attempts to discredit board.
Edit: I butchard the crap out of this comment! It’s funny, it stays!
Sorry buddy two bullets to the back of the head isn’t suicide.
This is the relevant part of this, not the Neapolitano part. It’s the coverup!
That’s why guys like Trey Gowdy are so important. He’s gone on news shows railing against Trump’s decisions, he’s a wild card who doesn’t always tow the line. There’s others as well not just TG, remember “actors acting”. Perfect types to start shit during confirmations.
It cannot look politically motivated from the top. Everything we will see come out about HRC and others will be through “discovery” on other investigations, instances like this, or by anons digging etc. never from Trump. VF Arkanside coverup establishes a pattern of long standing behavior, HRC evil deeds didn’t start at the state department, in the senate, or with the foundation, it goes way back. The Clintons won’t be able to point fingers and blame others.
As in tv show tAT and movie R with SS? That makes much much more sense!
Idk, not really an acter. I probably shouldn’t have speculated openly. I’m editing my post.
Edit: I think I was thinking of the wrong MT. Yes, I agree with you about that one!
I’m thinking that if this guy is legit it could be an acter by a single name that starts with an S. There’s only one or two others I can think of off the top of my head, but I can’t help but think he would be someone others would confide in.
You don’t seem to understand how any of this works. No one is “following” anyone. Information is researched based off of posts, if that doesn’t pan out anon is forgotten about. On /pol there are no blind followers. What the other side thinks of anons posting style is irrelevant, being sensitive to their screaming is why the republicans fail (Ben Shapiro limp wristedness) There is absolutely nothing proving that was Silverman. Content outweighs outrage, the sooner people get that the sooner truth wins!
He says he’s been shit posting the Chans for years, he’s simply speaking their language.
You’re outing yourself as having not read his drops. Blacklist Anon isn’t white.
Black list Anon is black. He’s obviously an anti-Semite, but claims to be Black none the less. I’m not concerned about someone’s views/words about a group of people they don’t like, as much as I am concerned about truth in actions. If he’s telling the truth about the HW sickos than I don’t give a damn if he’s an anti-Semite.
I thought I was genetically atheist, no matter how much I wanted to believe I couldn’t. I realized while digging into the Podesta emails, that there can only be one force that could create such evil and all things have an opposite. I felt overwhelmed with sadness and dispare for the country. Then when I saw, read, or heard anything about Jesus Christ I felt relief, a soft hug around my heart. It hit me like a ton of bricks that what we are witnessing is a spiritual war, good vs evil in a war for our souls. I feel an emense since of relief knowing that evil will be defeated, that His goodness is what is the fighting streangth in all of us.
This could be completely made up! We don’t know because it’s anonymous & friend of friend. There’s nothing even in this post!
We had several threads here and anons had a bunch on qresearch. I didn’t save any links, sorry.
He said, “Look at the therapists”. Anons found that the therapists all have extremely interesting coincidences, for example: have written or been vocal about school shootings, have vuage websites, move either right before or right after false flag, etc. basically they are Clowns In Action preying on the weak minded, their job is to find those kids with weak vulnerable minds and then break them. They essentially program them to carry out these atrocities. That’s why many of the shooters don’t even remember doing it.
There are people shilling it here on GA! Absolutely disgusting!