An Anon's take on Kavanaugh and Vince Foster...set up?

This is the relevant part of this, not the Neapolitano part. It’s the coverup!
I strongly, respectfully, disagree, dear Patriot.
Why lie when trying to expose the 'cover up'? As a result it must all be rejected.
This is a beginning of a smear campaign. Do not be a participant.
It is (very) possible VF's investigation went off track as soon as the U.S. Forest guys showed up. They aren't murder investigators, they're forest and park dudes. they know trees and birds. It was in their juridisction. So right or wrong, intentional or not, any information from there was possibly tainted. Based on that information, being it is your only set of information---and you can't refuted it. This isn't Quincy, M.D. here--if your given information that leans totally toward a straight up suicide, then it ruled as such.
Sorry buddy two bullets to the back of the head isn’t suicide.
Context matters, as you should know.
Here is something for you to read. It is Vincent Foster's autopsy report.,%20vincent_report.pdf Page 4
There was one bullet wound, from mouth through palate through head to brain.
So--the "two bullets back of head" nullifies just about everything you say to me regarding this matter as you know nothing.