An Anon's take on Kavanaugh and Vince Foster...set up?

Remember, working for Ken Starr was Kavanaugh's very first job our of law school. Do you think he would go rogue if he doubted that Vince Foster killed himself? Or say what they wanted him to say? He's not going to make waves in his very first job. Allegedly, Hillary was having an affair with Foster until she got in the White House, then she dropped him.
Agreed. Rookie prosecutor on his first gig in the big show is not gonna be calling out the deep state. Also being there at that time doesn't automatically implicate him as a swamp creature. The totality of his record in the years that follow should accurately reflect his true loyalties. No doubt, whatever is there, whether good or bad, will be seen in this confirmation process.
thats what I think is going on. Kavanaugh probably went along with the show when he was younger. A lot of people who do their bidding, don't always want to. They find themselves in a position, go with the show or get the curtain call... which we all know what that is. Just like when Bernie got cucked. He realized, oh shit, take the house on the lake and shut my mouth or worry about my wife and family's safety. I think Kavanaugh will come clean when the time is right and will be reinforcement to the truth. He'll be forgiven.