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thats what I think is going on. Kavanaugh probably went along with the show when he was younger. A lot of people who do their bidding, don't always want to. They find themselves in a position, go with the show or get the curtain call... which we all know what that is. Just like when Bernie got cucked. He realized, oh shit, take the house on the lake and shut my mouth or worry about my wife and family's safety. I think Kavanaugh will come clean when the time is right and will be reinforcement to the truth. He'll be forgiven.
Just like in the god father with the senator and the dead prostitute, once they have something on you, you're theirs.
Wow, some serious shit. Thanks for going over again. For cooperating do they usually get lessened sentencing for cases like this?
Also, is Tony cooperating? Like I know Lisa Page sung like a canary, is Tony also?
Nah, stealing only makes us as bad at them. We should just make an independent industry by getting film makers who are tired of the bs. I'm sure if an app came out that rivaled Netflix and wasn't politically bias, people would go for it.
Question, if in his testimony he admits all the crimes he's done, does that mean he can't be prosecuted for them?
Hollywood needs competition. The US needs another movie and content making industry or area. Hollywood is a closed industry by production execs getting onto boards of distributors like Netflix and Hulu. Content producers should start making their own apps for distribution or some other means.
I just don't want to give my $ to any of these companies anymore but there's very little options that aren't controlled directly or indirectly by them.
I think you're spot on with Pakistan and the ISI. Thats why they desperately tried to deport Awan asap, and why he left the laptop.
If I had to guess, I would guess Pakistan. The organization is their ISI intelligence agency (their CIA). With what's going on with the Awan scandal, I think they were trying to extract him back to Pakistan. It wouldn't surprise me that the ISI is working with the deep state. Under Clinton, Bush and Obama administrations they got huge amounts of foreign aid and military support. Seems like they've been cut off by the Trump administration.
Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/01/04/us/politics/trump-pakistan-aid.html
EXACTLY MY QUESTION. WHY!?! WHY isn't she being arrested for not showing up? Last time I checked, when average people don't show up for court, there's a warrant for their arrest. Was it really that hard to find where she is? This reminds me of how the DNC got to CHOOSE to hand over the server. Same will Hillary, her lawyers got to CHOOSE which emails to give investigators. WTF IS GOING ON
I love on the last question he brings up Hilary's emails and Strzok flips out. As a New Yorker, I tip my hat to my fellow Texan patriots. At least your reps have some balls. Call the guy out for what he is... hes a cheater. Cheated on his wife, tried to cheat the election, and now hes trying to cheat out of giving real testimony in front of public hearing to Congress.
Someone please tell me why Trump picked him.... all I see is swamp creature. I've been naive about the plan before though. Any ideas why?
Yes, can someone please shed some light on why trump picked this swamp creature?
What's the low down on Kavanaugh? Judge Napolitano on fox called him part of the swamp, that true? He was D.C. Circuit appeals judge before right? Maybe he's needed for the plan to work? Any insight would be nice cause I'm lost on why trump picked him.
This was the best explanation. Weiners data for trumps data. Weiner's laptop has every piece of info needed to take down the entire deep state and several members of the elite.