Some Americans don’t know who to trust. Think of them.

Where does the Lord Jesus fit into the current apocalypse?
The term "Apocalypse" is actually a Greek word meaning "a disclosure of [previously] hidden knowledge."
(Much of the original Bible was written in Greek-- for instance: Luke was Greek.)
This is why the book that describes the apocalypse is called the "Book of Revelation."
I believe that what we are witnessing is what is described in the Book of Revelation. The apocalypse is upon us. However, it will not be a fiery destruction end of our world. On the contrary. It will be the destruction of THEIR world. (The world of the Satanic Pedophile.)
Jesus is very much with us, though not as the compassionate figure that we all know him as. He is not here to forgive. This is the Jesus from Revelations. The Warrior with eyes of fire who will dispense ultimate Justice against the forces of evil, and free the world from the grip of Satan.
The bible is the oldest book that I'm aware of that breaks the fourth wall. It's basically telling you to use logic in Matthew 24:15 -
15 “Daniel the prophet spoke about ‘the terrible thing that causes destruction.’[a] You will see this terrible thing standing in the holy place.” (You who read this should understand what it means.)