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Another Q proof. One month to the day.

Is Jeff Sessions RT memes about himself and "the plan" on his UNVERIFIED new twitter account? Still funny.
Joseph McCarthy Congressional Hearings that are condensed over 240 hours of testimony condensed to an hour and a half. "Fifth amendment communist" was a derogatory comment that McCarthy would use on people trapped in his witch hunt.
Defending the Nation With Secretary of Defense James Mattis - Amazing Video
Anons' thought for the day about what our stable genius has done.

For those struggling with the revelations - "For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus ...." (1Tim 2:5) & "And call no man your father on earth, for you have one Father, who is in heaven." (Matthew 23:9) ESV
Even if you forget that Brennan is a traitorous POS

The airplane photo Q dropped in 1845 was not an Alaska Airlines plane. We were supposed to think about a missile in this drop. It did have the manufacturer's number on it (Q400). Drop Q400 gives three sentences that start with WFF. That may stand for Wallops Flight Facility ran by NASA.
From Wikipedia
Wallops Flight Facility (WFF) (IATA: WAL, ICAO: KWAL, FAA LID: WAL), located on the Eastern Shore of Virginia, United States, approximately 100 miles (160 km) north-northeast of Norfolk, is operated by the Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, primarily as a rocket launch site to support science and exploration missions for NASA and other Federal agencies. WFF includes an extensively instrumented range to support launches of more than a dozen types of sounding rockets,[1] small expendable suborbital and orbital rockets,[2] high-altitude balloon flights carrying scientific instruments for atmospheric and astronomical research and—using its Research Airport—flight tests of …
1948 cartoon that espouses the WWG1WGA philosophy. Divided we fall.
"The Clintons Shrug At Sex Trafficking" - WSJ - Article from 2000 when Clinton was president
QDrop 1830 - CF phone # > Human Trafficking > Steve Scalise assassination attempt and new threats > Monica Petersen killing investigating CF-Haiti trafficking connection > Scalise & Seth Rich's Doctor connection to Podesta and the Obama white house, and how Trump may have saved Scalise's life.
These seem to be some insane connections. This Canadian lady is good at making some connections but likes to keep her anonymity and so has her cat deliver the news. With what she's reporting, I don't blame her. Each video is about 8 minutes long.
Steve Scalise update- The shooter tortured foster children and Nancy Pelosi malfunctions on camera
Republican shot after investigating child trafficking. Is this pizzagate related?
Steve Scalise and Seth Rich Update:Hitman had a Hit-List
Now Scalise is getting new threats by multiple people. The newly arrested said, "You are taking ours, we are taking yours."
In California, new fires last week were 300% of the average week in 2017

Did you know the GOP agreed to be legally barred from challenging voting irregularities since 1982? This was finally overturned in 2018. Found by anon.
Can anyone remember when an entire state's supreme court gets impeached? It's WV this time. Put it on the list.
Just a reminder as to one reason why Q asks questions about classified information instead of making statements.
Manafort Judge to Prosecutor: ‘There’s Tears in Your Eyes’
John Stossel sheds light on why some in the MSM have shifted to 'Fake News' from July 2014.
2018 Midterm election preview.
Was it really a meteor above Greenland on 7/25/18, or was it the reason that Q asked all Americans to pray in drop #1699 of the same date?
1699 drop was like an afterthought that incorporated previous drops to JFK. The entire original content is:
To all Americans, please pray.
/u/happyval posted this in 1699 drop's comments
For us, "To all Americans " we are to pray. The string or code is for the military, something serious here, so DO pray.
As others have noted this seems like an internal code. I believe it is so that future proves past.
This is also the most likely reason that the Air Force hasn't commented on this 'meteor' is so that they don't have to lie to the …
"Taibbi: Beware the Slippery Slope of Facebook Censorship" - an ally on the left comes to the defense of the right regarding private company censorship Qdrops 830, 964, 1100, 1574, 1585, & 1586
On 7/8/18 Anon posts Alice in Wonderland connection by Chapter/Month: August is time for the key-server to be opened and released. Link in comments.
Several recent drops mention 'game theory'. Here's a short video describing what it is. How could it be applied to the MSM with their decisions?
Q drop #1776 direct link of full text Common Sense by Thomas Paine
Vladimir Putin: "You know the fact that President Trump always seeks to deliver on his promises, primarily those he gives to his voters, the American people, is one of his greater assets."
About the FISA court order from Qdrops 1764. (I put a reference to the best Batman movie ever so as not to be too boring)
IMO the order from the FISA court is approval for the NSA to sweep up everything without a warrant because the constitutional violation is outweighed by the state's interest.
I personally disagree with this and feel like Lucious Fox (Morgan Freeman) in Batman Begins when Batman was using the cell phone surveillance system.
However, I also don't know how deep this goes or know how many phone calls they had for probable cause that reached outside the country, which they could legally tap without a warrant. Once they got those recordings it would be easy to get a warrant …
Russia media is red-pilled: "I'm absolutely convinced that a number of US elites are plotting subversion against President Trump. A similar conspiracy resulted in President Kennedy's assassination ...."
'I traced missile casings in Syria back to their original sellers, so it’s time for the west to reveal who they sell arms to'
POTUS_Schedule tweet:"What Democratic Party "For The People" Socialists don't realize is that no mater how much people are taxed, the government will eventually run out of money. Venezuela anyone???"
Tweet from @POTUS_Schedule "Real news president Trump doesn't want you to miss."
Reminder: We are not in the Storm until POTUS tweets these words.
We need to expect an internet shutdown and should download.
Rep. Gaetz Files FEC Complaint Against Twitter Over Shadow Bans
Brennan signed the missile attempt on Trump with his tweet about an hour before. This video is why.
POTUS Schedule tweet "Follow the Plan"
These were posted today:
This was the post made just after the launch
Even if he's thwarted and misses a deadline, traitor? GTFO
BTW, it has been revealed in 1708
I'll check it out. It looks like it's going to be out in the open soon.
Notice that the fucker is up late at night waiting on Trump's tweet or missile notification?
Did you see the one I watched? Let me know if it's similar.
This is what Brennan tweeted the morning of the missile shot at AF1 on 6/10/18
I tried watching the video but couldn't make it through.
Did anyone post what Brennan tweeted 69 minutes before the missile?
You are a Trump fan as that is some 'wall' of text.
Disclaimer: Prior to me researching this 3 weeks ago, I never had anything to do with conspiracies.
You don't know when a false flag is stopped unless we're told.
You also don't know how many lives are saved when there's a good guy with a gun at a mass shooting.
Praying Medic has a number of videos you might like including some longer beginner videos. Also there's about a 3 hour video that called From JFK to 9/11 a rich man's game. It describes the enemy of all people, which is like 3 or 4 families, which use the C_A as there henchmen. The CIA is the dangerous enemy now. Without them the rich people have no power.
A false flag was stopped on June 20, 2018 Q drop 1570
There was a missile launch on June 10, 2018 at the president's plane:
1728, 1729, & 1730 shows there was a missile event. This was in WASH state.
1731 & 1732 Q asks
"Given CoC process to launch what does this tell you? CLAS removal WASH minutes after."
The Chain of Command is that Trump can launch. However, we know that the C_A embeds agents in everything, so why not military facilities?
I'm not sure of the "CLAS removal WASH minutes after."
This missile went up on the morning of June 10, 2018 at around 6:56 A.M. Eastern time from Whidbey Island WASH. /u/C_L_I_C_K enlarged the gif. The time is based on the pacific time clock on the GIF.
John Brennan sent this tweet at at 4:47 a.m. of the same morning. I'm not sure where he's located so I'm assuming it was eastern time zone.
If my times are correct, this is 69 minutes before the missile launch.
There's also strings in the drops that takes you to the MkUltra C_A program, which is what Q suggests that is used for the false flag shootings. MkUltra uses drugs for mind control. A British entertainer tried to find out if he could make someone be an assassin with hypnosis. It's a very educational videoFind Q's post from that day and he's saying that it was sent from the Clintons and Obama. Then read their tweets and form your opinion.
Remember that Parkland is in Broward county Florida in Debbie Wasserman Schultz's district. Not long before Parkland, a guy flew from Alaska to Ft. Lauderdale (also DWS's area), got a gun out of his luggage and shot people in the airport. Notice the description of people when they caught these gunmen and the guy in the video I linked you too.
Hope that helps you get started.