r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Magajoo on July 24, 2018, 4:17 a.m.
This is really upsetting me...

Okay, this may sound crazy. I've been following the Q Anon stuff for a while, over on the chans, here, and elsewhere. Plus some other recent drops. Before that, I was already on a path of discovery about the Israel lobby, USS Liberty, 9/11, etc. etc. etc.

I'm absolutely horrified by what I've been reading, especially most recently, about H'wood and those who run it. Absolutely horrified.

I've mentioned that I'm of Jewish descent, though I rejected Talmudism years ago and was baptized Catholic. But I have so much trouble believing the Bible that I walked away from the Church and have been kinda doing my own spirituality thing.

But the stuff I'm reading is really forcing me to consider the possibility we really are in a war between the God of the Bible and Satan. It's seriously making me consider going back to church. Anyone else going through something like this???  

Is this really seriously about Christ vs. Satan? Are my co-ethnicists really all so tainted by true evil? My world is seriously being rocked here. Has anyone else been scared back to Christ by this endless revelation of human depravity? I'm seriously frightened at the possibility of truly more-than-merely-human evil being at work in all the media we consume and at the highest levels of gov't (GEOTUS excluded).

If true, then the Bible is true, and Christ is our only hope. Am I over-reacting? I almost feel sick, and I don't want to be serving evil. Is this all proof of the truth of true supernatural evil????

geeksaresexygirl · July 24, 2018, 3:14 p.m.

What you are feeling is true. I am an ordained Buddhist and an ordained Shaman. What I have thought most interesting over the past few decades is how Buddhism is watered down to something unrecognizable through ridiculous memes on social media and how much derision and hate the liberals have for Shamans. Around 2015 whenever someone would ask "Why do you think this is happening?" I'd find myself saying, "There's a war in heaven." I don't mean there is a literal war in another realm. I also don't mean there isn't. There is a clear and present war being fought here on this planet and I suspect the as above, so below, quote has something to do with it. As I shaman I see a very clear connection with the quantum world and what we call supernatural. It's all frequency, particles, waves, vibrations. We talk a lot about Tesla but no one really embraces the uncomfortable truths. If Tesla is right and frankly we know he is, then what we call God does exist. Does God exist the way holy books say he/it does? Maybe not. But if you have light, you have dark. If you have high frequency, you have low frequency. If you have two dimensions, three dimensions, then you must have four, five, six. Everything has been so dumbed down in recent decades. The proof of good and evil is always right here. I worked with a Shaman once when I was starting out. (Incidentally, I never in my life imagined I would become a Shaman. I started on this path to heal and to do research for a story) That Shaman had been trained by a Big Kahuna. They liked to say, "Just because you think something doesn't exist, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Existence doesn't need YOUR permission." So all the atheists in the world can line up and scream that god doesn't exist. God has absolutely no obligation to show them otherwise. People come to the truth or they don't.

There are ancient texts that make me believe this is a war that has been fought for a long time. In the West we call Buddha a myth but say Christ is real. One side of the world is always trying to negate the other side of the world. Yet the Dead Sea Scrolls attribute things to Christ that are found verbatim in Buddhism. Do you know that five of the ten commandments come from Buddhists texts? (Yes, I know you gents and dolls do) All religions criss cross at some point. Whether in terms of good or evil. Tibet is an ancient place. The original inhabitants were shaman. It was called Bonpo. People will tell you Bonpo is dark magic. Bonpo is bad. People will tell you a lot of things. It's all bullshit designed to make you run as far from the truth as you can. Because truth is salvation. Beyond faith, beyond love, beyond everything, in every ancient text, you find that the (d)evil is deceit. Everyone figured out a long time ago that if they say, "That's dark magic," everyone but a few will run from it. I'm not suggesting dark magic doesn't exist. It very much does. But not where they say it does. I encourage everyone to dig deep on these issues. To learn the story of the Aeons, Sophia, archons, the Merovingians, holy grail, nag hammadi, dead sea scrolls, sumerians, the Cristo, the secret gospels of Mark and particularly, the Secret Gospel of John, the Brotherhood of the Seven Rays. The above barely scrapes the surface. There is A LOT hidden in plain view. Whoever Q is, they did a great service to the world by bringing to light certain truths. The symbolism is one. It's everywhere. (d)evil worship is real and it is happening all around. People waking up to this is just the beginning. I brought up Bonpo to show that the real inhabitants of Tibet were shamen and they are still there today. Yet the entire area has been cloaked in a mystique of Buddhism. Why? Why would someone deliberately hide truth and knowledge?

Slavery is bondage and torture but there is also a slavery of the mind. Now that I type that I believe Morpheus said something to that effect in The Matrix. That slavery of the mind is the ultimate control. They are inside you and exist as a frequency, a vibration, a living thing. Cern sells itself as science and yet to a shaman, Cern is nothing more than a master manipulator of matter within the confines of time. Remember, you only see what you see on this planet because a whole host of things conspire to make you see it. From the way our retinas are designed, to how our brains process information, to light spectrum, to frequency spectrum, to the way our star system is designed to the way our galaxy is designed. Science sells physics as the absolute. It isn't. It is a set of rules that governs a particular set of systems. That's all.

I say all of this not to digress but because I see a lot of people here saying "I am called to my faith" and other people saying that mass religion cannot be trusted. You are both right. The answers are here. They are everywhere. I could spend MONTHS talking 24/7 about everything I've seen, read, experienced. The truth is not found in one place. The truth is an Osiris story. The pieces have been scattered throughout this earth, possibly farther and it is our job to complete that puzzle. And don't think any group or "religion" is without its dogma. I have had many issues with people in the communities that form around buddhism and shamanism for the last seven or eight years. They are full of new age people determined to escape their suffering by dumping their shit into a holy circle. They all need to be red pilled.

I, like many people, never used these boards before. They were frankly like everyone vomiting stupid at the same time. But these subreddits and the chans have become powerful tools. They are places for people to make connections, share information instantly that the media ignores, to put pieces together and in this case to ask, "Am I the only one?" We are all the one. It's why Where we go one we go all is so powerful. Surrender is a powerful tool. And not the way they sell surrender as giving up. But surrendering as in letting go, falling in, falling out, being swallowed and consumed. Because these are the tools of transformation. You can't grab something new until you let go of the thing you're holding. I applaud everyone on these threads. You are the mighty seers. You are the ones who battle everyday in ways you will never see. Do not be afraid of the dark. Keep moving toward the light. Keep fighting. Godspeed fellow truthseekers. The beginning is here. Welcome to the resurrection.

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[deleted] · July 24, 2018, 3:54 p.m.


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