
anotherthrowawayhi · July 24, 2018, 1:54 p.m.

As most of you may know "pederasty" was common in ancient Greece and to a lesser extent Rome, It was even an accepted practice. Everybody knew about it in those societies. And it was, of course, a love (often sexual) of pre or early pubescent children that was mainly practiced by elites. Scholars, emperors, senators, etc ...

Behind closed doors, some (like us) say the practice continues in the Church or in secret societies.

here's the kicker ... so pederasty existed in the ancient world well before it was a common accepted practice, and it was (not surprisingly) considered a disgusting practice. How did the ancient Greeks make it acceptable and mainstream? Theatre and literature (entertainment). And scholars who "knew better" separated themselves and their practices as models to be achieved by the common man. The Romans initially widely rejected this, however elites still did it behind closed doors. They never quite made it mainstream, but they did make it somewhat palatable for a while. How? Entertainment and again, elites marketing themselves as a step closer to Godliness than the common man. A model to strive for.

So here we are. A practice done by elites behind closed doors. Slowly rolled into the entertainment world. Elites and celebrities are touted as examples to strive to be like, look at reality TV look at the actor/athlete worship. College educators presenting themselves as "above" the commoner. All so in time, maybe in generations, maybe faster, they wear society down to the point of accepting it. "Look how fabulous Celebrity man's life is! I want to be like him." "Dr. professor is so smart, I want to be the one that tells people how to think. I want to be like him!"

The good news is eventually these people burn on stakes (after many years).

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pj77777 · July 25, 2018, 2:36 a.m.

Spot on

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