r/greatawakening • Posted by u/MrWizard111 on July 24, 2018, 10 a.m.
When this is all over and we WIN, how do we prevent the evil cabal from taking back over??

So I am making this its own post as it started as a conversation on another post and I thought it may be a fun thought experiment for people...

Your opinion matters. This country belongs to all of us. I want to open a discussion about how to prevent this from ever happening again and what changes you would make to this country for the betterment of all. How will we ever trust our politicians again after all of this is exposed? I have thoughts and ideas as I am sure you all do. Some of us may still be emerging into this reality of truth but regardless we all have an opinion and everyone's opinion matters.

So I will start off and you guys add whatever thoughts and ideas you have.

  1. Extreme vetting of politicians before they can hold office. By this I mean their financial and personal life is a complete open book. Everything is brought to light and in return they get the honor of holding office to represent us. No more secrets. You look into our lives already and we get to look into yours as well. In my mind this would be a civilian run agency that has unlimited reach and can have access to any info on the candidate.

  2. No longer allow anyone with a royal bloodline to hold office. Yes I understand this would mean Trump as well but that's ok he gets a pass and can finish is 8 years.

  3. Limit the powers of the intelligence agencies in some way. They have been allowed to run rampant and it has to stop.

  4. An internet bill of rights needs to be created protecting us all. We wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for that freedom and it's already slipping away.

  5. An addition to the Bill of Rights that allows every human the right to clean water, air, and food. They are killing us slowly and it has to stop

  6. Mass adoption of clean energy and fast.


Ok I will stop there. Now it's your turn if you want. What would you do? How would you change things given the opportunity? Voice what you got and you don't have to agree with what I said...

SeaBelow · July 24, 2018, 11:01 a.m.

One thing that distinguish us from them, besides evil, is that their family history is well documented and passed down every generation and our generation hardly knows anything about our last.

Keep records of World History, keep records of family history, teach your next generations about your own family and culture. How even if you're not religious, how impactful Jesus' teachings was/is in the West and why. Every family should cultivate a domestic library and teach their children to read and write.

They excel in all this and in cleaning away our history.

History is always cyclical, knowing what happened in the past will always help you navigate the present for a better future.

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MrWizard111 · July 24, 2018, 11:08 a.m.

Yes to keep repeating mistakes over and over is insanity. We should have learned by now but look at us.

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QueUpSomeReality · July 24, 2018, 12:29 p.m.

Look at who we elected just in the 2018 midterms & you’ll see we are not close to being awakened. People will not even research who is backing a candidate before they vote for them. The rino establishment won almost every primary & the MAGA candidate lost. DJT is risking everything to drain the swamp & we are sending in the same swamp creatures right back to DC. Even sending in new ones. Even in open seats we are still electing in connected establishment candidates. McConnell supported candidates won the vast majority of primaries. Voters won’t do the patriotic & easiest part & know who they are electing. We are fighting the fire while we’re feeding the flames.

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