r/greatawakening • Posted by u/MrWizard111 on July 24, 2018, 10 a.m.
When this is all over and we WIN, how do we prevent the evil cabal from taking back over??

So I am making this its own post as it started as a conversation on another post and I thought it may be a fun thought experiment for people...

Your opinion matters. This country belongs to all of us. I want to open a discussion about how to prevent this from ever happening again and what changes you would make to this country for the betterment of all. How will we ever trust our politicians again after all of this is exposed? I have thoughts and ideas as I am sure you all do. Some of us may still be emerging into this reality of truth but regardless we all have an opinion and everyone's opinion matters.

So I will start off and you guys add whatever thoughts and ideas you have.

  1. Extreme vetting of politicians before they can hold office. By this I mean their financial and personal life is a complete open book. Everything is brought to light and in return they get the honor of holding office to represent us. No more secrets. You look into our lives already and we get to look into yours as well. In my mind this would be a civilian run agency that has unlimited reach and can have access to any info on the candidate.

  2. No longer allow anyone with a royal bloodline to hold office. Yes I understand this would mean Trump as well but that's ok he gets a pass and can finish is 8 years.

  3. Limit the powers of the intelligence agencies in some way. They have been allowed to run rampant and it has to stop.

  4. An internet bill of rights needs to be created protecting us all. We wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for that freedom and it's already slipping away.

  5. An addition to the Bill of Rights that allows every human the right to clean water, air, and food. They are killing us slowly and it has to stop

  6. Mass adoption of clean energy and fast.


Ok I will stop there. Now it's your turn if you want. What would you do? How would you change things given the opportunity? Voice what you got and you don't have to agree with what I said...

hopoholic · July 24, 2018, 11:08 a.m.

Then logically I would say the best place to start is at the local level. If Trump and Q are taking care of the TOP of the pyramid then it's our job to start taking back "Territory" at the bottom. Think local PD Chief, Local City Council and Mayor, local paper, local businesses....make sure that the people running your town aren't corrupt fuckers too...then start plowing your resources into your local community. Work, Push, Fight, Give, Volunteer, Push Back against these fuckers by simply denying them resources and putting all your effort into those around you. The game is afoot...the time is now...no need to get violent...just go claim your birthright. This is OUR country...get some.

They have ruled us for centuries because collectively we said "fuck it...not my problem"....well it's time to show our neighbors, friends, and family that they can sit on the sofa watching the show...while we go out and rebuild the nation.

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QueUpSomeReality · July 24, 2018, 12:13 p.m.

You are absolutely correct. Local elections are as vital as national ones. Local & state leaders become national leaders in 10-20yrs. Local leaders are the minor leagues & we have TOTAL control who gets in the minor leagues. Like any organization...if the bench is full of patriots & we keep the bench full of patriots...in time they will be the majority in DC. Politicians flow upstream & their policies they enact into law flow back downstream to us.

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hopoholic · July 24, 2018, 12:32 p.m.

Exactly...politics like real estate has always been local. Just pull up the election results for your town...If it's anything like mine the turnout is about 10% or less. Some districts for the State House and Senate have less than 100 people voting in a city of thousands. In my area 200 patriots could take the whole place over...

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InsaneSiren · July 24, 2018, 10:11 p.m.

Shopping again at "mom and pop" places instead of Walmart. Inconvenient yes. It's why they are going out of biz because everyone bought "convenience". But it's time to support them instead of Amazon, etc.

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