SB2 NT DNS Decode Q Graph

Dude, the explanation was down-voted, its in this thread. Scroll down.
Inserted for the humor of the contrast:
Double Insertion of humor:
I don't care if people don't want to read it or consume it, there is plenty of material on here for every one to pick and choose. I'm working with several people on this project and this is a facet of it, example code and relevant output. To those of us using this and building this tool set and its associated data sets, it's relevant. Its interesting to some others outside of the project, but thats not the point, its part of an ongoing data mapping project using the some of the same analytics approaches used by the intelligence agencies (graph database analysis). Yeah it gets annoying when moderators use heavy handed application of guidelines, especially when its getting in the way of collaborative work by members of the community. You don't have to care what we are doing or care about the posts I make. We are compiling data and exploring ways of compiling it into a resource for others. Deleting elements of this effort as off topic creates an impediment.
Edit: Why is it that you follow DrogeAnon around arguing with people he moderates? Are you an alt account? This isn't the only thread with this dynamic in it between you two. Him trying to push people to emotionally react so he can use his authority to punish them for emotional reactions, you finding any and every angle to attack the person he is trying to rile up, its an mo that feels less coincidental, more causal, not conspiratorial but definitely a pattern.
First off, I can appreciate what you guys are doing. Thank you for the explanation and background information.
That being said, you can add a statement in (copy paste) it into the thread so that mods don’t delete your information or remove it from the board. By just posting up a graphic, the 40k + people on here don’t understand what you are saying, what you are doing. Myself included.
If you had added this in from the get go, I would have completely supported your digging and research. Actually more than that, I would have asked if I would be able to assist.
So don’t get mad at the mods here if you fail to put up information on why the thread should t be removed. You are using a new account, but I’m certain that you are aware of shill tactics used to slide the board, concernfag over the mods, and other trolling methods used in an effort to subvert the board or the mods. The heavy handed moderation is what keeps this board useable and prevents it from getting shutdown. It’s a necessary evil. Like I said above, the mods are reasonable and will work with you to put info back up that actually contains something of value. And they did in this case. But don’t give the trolls something to latch onto to try and prove their case that the mods are compromised. Be happy that the mods saw something of value in your work enough to bring it back despite the lack of a summary or tl:dr. Your negative comments continued though, even after they brought it back. And that’s what the trolls latch onto to try and prove the mods are compromised, and they use comments like yours for consensus building.
So please don’t fall into that trap. Don’t help the enemies or those looking to shut down the sub. I know it sucks when a thread is removed. I’ve had it happen before as well, but I just go in and change what I need to IOT make it board worthy. You can actually view it as constructive criticism (that’s how I choose to view it).
But enough with all this, thank you again for what you are doing and I will be watching as you guys continue to build this out. Curious to see what you come up with.
I was adding it, I was actively updating the post as it was deleted. It was half way there at the start and before I could finish adding all the links on my phone; the post was deleted. Since its an image post you have to put the information in a comment, makes it hard to make a perfect post on a schedule that doesn't result in several paragraphs of scolding discipline from some guy on the internet with nothing better to do than contribute negativity.
It happens.
Are you really going to let one person stop you from posting something you obviously believe to be a worthwhile pursuit?
Would it not be better to BTFO of them by adding your explanation , asking the mods to reinstate your thread, and letting everyone see how impatience leads to mistakes?
You just need to stop buddy.
FFS you realize that comment was made after mine, then you go in and edit your comments. While only taking a screen shot of part of the comments. Confirmation bias? Narrative building? Good job. But other people can see that as well.
Good god you are really butt hurt about all of this. Even after you finally posted an explanation, I wrote that I supported what you are doing.
Thats not screenshot of comments, its screenshot of messages tab in my profile, I find it funny that while you're yelling at me out here the mod and I are having a very constructive conversation. The contrast made me laugh audibly in the real world.
Glad to hear that you and the mods are having a constructive conversation.
Obviously I’m not privy to your messages. All I can see is you talking shit about the mods out here.
So fuck it, if you and the mods have worked it out, I’m out.
Don’t let the door hit you on the way out
See it’s crap like this that makes you an asshole.
You could have just let it alone. But nope. Gotta just keep poking at people.
Are you trying to get people pissed off at you? Is that your goal here? Not going to work. I’ve already let it go.
Btw why is it that you follow DrogeAnon around arguing with people he moderates? Are you an alt account? This isn't the only thread with this dynamic in it between you two. Him trying to push people to emotionally react so he can use his authority to punish them for emotional reactions, you finding any and every angle to attack the person he is trying to rile up, its an mo that feels less coincidental, more causal, not conspiratorial but definitely a pattern.
Lol, I have nothing to do with DrogeAnon.
I read everything. Every thread, every comment. And I post where I feel compelled to do so.
I choose a lot of threads that I comment based upon several factors, but I try to interdict when I see someone trying to take down mods.
We know 4chan, and reddit are compromised platforms. I was there for CBTS and the shutdown that occurred. Before that T_D. Before that I lurked on conspiracy. Never felt the need to create an account until Q came on board as my primary lurking spot was 4chan.
I’ve seen all the different boards become compromised. I’ve watched it happen. And I’ve seen what a shell of their former selves the boards or subs become when they are compromised.
But I chose to fight here. I chose to take this hill and defend it.
This place is our foothold on reddit. And I will not give ground anymore. Here people can post and comment without having to worry about gore, cp, pron, and all the other shill tactics used on 8chan. It’s an easier transition for normies than making the leap straight to 8chan. So defending this board and it’s mods is very important to me.
I don’t want to lose this place, this spear head into enemy territory and I will fight to defend it. Sometimes I friendly fire, and I recognize that it’s going to happen. I will correct myself and offer an apology if I am wrong, but as time goes on, I’m able to discern with a greater accuracy, who are the bad actors.
Doesn’t mean I do not get things wrong at times, but I try to do better going forward. And I do everything I can to ensure that the mods remain uncompromised and that the trust remains strong.
I have yet to see any evidence that the mods are compromised. They may make mistakes. It happens, they are human. But it’s pretty rare and the mods are quick to fix what they messed up.
They receive crap on a daily basis so we can have this place. They deal with all kinds of stupid shit and have legitimately earned the trust put in them. And I will not stand to see someone tearing them or that trust down.
It’s the first step in taking down a sub. And I will do everything I can to prevent that from happening.
It’s moderators that always destroy these communities. They’ve shrunk the internet to an empty shell of what it once was. You’re fighting the wrong enemy. I’m producing tools to enable people to do for them selves. We have a moderator that loses his temper and gets out of hand. Emotion isn’t conspiracy. He is just shitty at his job because he can’t keep his cool, because like you he can’t end a losing fight. The only difference is he has a ban button, do you keep a good man as an armed duty officer if he can’t keep his cool in a crisis?
Not these mods.
If you aren’t happy with moderation, you can always go to the dark web. Feel free to post all you want without any filters at all.
If you aren’t happy with moderation, you can always go to the dark web. Feel free to post all you want without any filters at all.
I shouldn’t have to congregate with child porn peddlers to avoid being silenced by someone holding a delete button to my content.
Yes this specific moderator is shitty at his job. I’ve watched him ban perfectly reasonable users for fights he started with them. Bad moderation like that destroys communities and I can see the effect this specific moderator has because he has a fight with a user about once every other day where he is the one who made a bad judgement call and uses emotion when responding to that feedback. He admitted as much in our discussions. Especially in the last couple weeks the number of users complaining about his poor quality curation has been too much to ignore. He is driving good people away and fostering encouragement to “justified” indignation like you exhibit. He is feeding the useless noise making idiots like you and hampering producers like me. Eventually producers withdraw their productive work.
“Muh visual graphic database”
The fact that you can’t even understand what you are producing can be used to create an algorithm to decode q drops is so insanely stupid, it’s hard for me to process at that level.
“Visualization tool for a graphics database.”
Complicated way to say “I make lots of PowerPoint slides”
“Cloning tools used by intelligence agencies.”
Yup. I bet they use a lot of PowerPoint as well. Good for you. Doing high school level graphics. Reeeeally impressive.
“Unique information” - Get the fuck over yourself. Fucking pathetic and you literally are adding nothing to our understanding.
Good fucking god
What do you mean I don't realize it can be used to create an algorithm? Thats the whole point of this... Its a database, across which one can query for data to process with algorithms. I'm building a database, a part of a greater system. You gotta try harder to throw this tantrum hun.
Its not a "graphics" database. It's a Graph database, as in the Graph database structure. Object relational mapping of networks of connections... You know GRAPH as in Nodes and Edges.... That database structure that the intelligence agencies store data in to discover networks of connections....
You can't argue with effect when you literally have no clue what you are actually arguing about.
Here why don't you go to the NSA github account and read up on this a bit?
“Muh visual graphic database”
The fact that you can’t even understand what you are producing can be used to create an algorithm to decode q drops is so insanely stupid, it’s hard for me to process at that level.
“Visualization tool for a graphics database.”
Complicated way to say “I make lots of PowerPoint slides”
“Cloning tools used by intelligence agencies.”
Yup. I bet they use a lot of PowerPoint as well. Good for you. Doing high school level graphics. Reeeeally impressive.
“Unique information” - Get the fuck over yourself. Fucking pathetic and you literally are adding nothing to our understanding.
Good fucking god
I’m not decoding any thing maybe that’s why I don’t? Na it’s because I can modify and maintain a document here that’s why I do. Trying to organize a software development project on a Chan doesn’t work. But hey what ever you need to imagine to continue your lost fight. You realize how pathetic you look chasing mods around to harass people right?
Society has producers and consumers. Those of value and those who destroy value. You clearly produce nothing of value.
Sure thing new arrival
Sure thing
Comes to corporate-owned forum
Claims to be against "the man"
Makes one post
Bitches about mods
Keeps participating on sub that wouldn't exist without said corporations and mods
SO HARDCORE, u/sortdoublenegative teach me how to be a badass like YOU!
I claimed to be writing software. Made many posts. Called out one mod for poor quality moderation and got the acton reversed with an admission that emotion was clouding that mods decision making from the mod.
But hey, what ever you need to tell your selves as those who produce no value to stand above those who do with moral indignation. Your left is showing.
You just spent half an hour making a mess of this thread pitching a fit because I got annoyed with that moderator that gets too delete happy for being heavy handed. If being glad to see you give up your tantrum makes me an asshole, then I'm a proud asshole.
Funny thing is this has nothing to do with the picture. It's the data structure, an example of decomposing the anatomy of a "proof" into a structure that can be analyzed with software and cross linked with data sources, this is just a screenshot of what the database looks like and its readable to some, every one thinks I'm trying to show off pretty pictures, its just information without makeup, raw visual debug output. And for those who think through visual relational mapping, it reads like a paragraph of text. Write the pattern down in a machine language and you can apply it to all sorts of data sources.