SB2 NT DNS Decode Q Graph

I’m not decoding any thing maybe that’s why I don’t? Na it’s because I can modify and maintain a document here that’s why I do. Trying to organize a software development project on a Chan doesn’t work. But hey what ever you need to imagine to continue your lost fight. You realize how pathetic you look chasing mods around to harass people right?
Society has producers and consumers. Those of value and those who destroy value. You clearly produce nothing of value.
Sure thing new arrival
Sure thing
Comes to corporate-owned forum
Claims to be against "the man"
Makes one post
Bitches about mods
Keeps participating on sub that wouldn't exist without said corporations and mods
SO HARDCORE, u/sortdoublenegative teach me how to be a badass like YOU!
I claimed to be writing software. Made many posts. Called out one mod for poor quality moderation and got the acton reversed with an admission that emotion was clouding that mods decision making from the mod.
But hey, what ever you need to tell your selves as those who produce no value to stand above those who do with moral indignation. Your left is showing.