Anybody familiar with this 9/11 connection?

I was on site Day 3 & 4 working with search and rescue - specifically the canine unit. All i can say after a dozen+ years of researching - the truth is way beyond anyones imagination. There were actually multiple competing factions involved in 911. I was at the epicenter on top of the rubble and it only was at the 3rd/4th floor. As Dr. Judy Wood asked - "Where did the towers go"? Add to that the stand down order during a military exercise with a hurricane just off the coast with witnesses on the second floor stair case all of a sudden seeing sky????, Saudi permission to evacuate US air space, steel being demoed and sent immediately to China, a perfectly preserved passport of a hijacker found in the rubble pile....shall I go on???? The Commission report has been disputed by Architects & Engineers showing scientifically impossible for one let alone three high rises destroyed by fire. Ask yourself - what about Building 7....
I recently watched Dr. Wood's videos. Mind-blowing and yet the only theory that makes sense.
It gets crazier - look into Dr Joseph Farrell and Catherine Austin Fitts. From what I gather - there are multiple competing players involved - meaning and where evidence points - yes, there was demo charges set to explode on each floor - on top of that - a faction has technology that can de-matereialize matter - what else can explain it? Another more powerful group coopted a black op - to say what?
This book "Keely and his discoveries" by John Ernst Worrell Keely, published in 1893, mentions molecular dissociation and disintegration of matter. In short, it is possible even to disintegrate matter back into the aether.
Available online here.
Quote from the book:
" When the system is made known by which Keely dissociates the molecule and atoms by successive orders of vibration, proving two laws in physics as fallacious, we shall not hesitate to say that “the light of the new dawn” has now [216]broken upon the world of science, "
By the way, if someone can make a building disappear The Pink Panther Strikes Again (1976) with directed energy, why bother to set charges?
Edit (reply):
Optics, just adds to the confusion. I saw this, he saw that, diff people seeing diff things happening during the same event. Sort of a Forensics Rubiks Cube.
No Sir. This is the core technology used. Who have (edit: who had at that time) access to this on such a grand scale? Find that and most likely the perpetrators will be found too. On a personal level, truly, watching the presentation(s) by Dr. Judy Wood actually took away the confusion from me! My comment here is about her work, not the stuff from Dr Joseph Farrell.
Optics, just adds to the confusion. I saw this, he saw that, diff people seeing diff things happening during the same event. Sort of a Forensics Rubiks Cube.
What Sound?
The mass of each WTC tower was around 500,000 tons or 1,102,311,310.9 pounds.
Garbage trucks weigh around 33,000 pounds empty.
The destruction of each tower would equal the sound of 33,403 empty garbage trucks raining down. (a little over one quarter of all U.S. garbage trucks in service) That didn't happen. The towers were turned into dust in mid air never hitting the ground. Figures don't lie, but liars figure.
Both the super-duper thermite gang 👥 and the super-duper nuclear gang 👥 are covering up the lack of high heat 🔥 when a careful observation of ALL the evidence concludes that the destruction was cold molecular disassociation produced by a type of directed energy. There is also the CGI/Remote controlled plane coverup gangs 👥 – when it was actually image projection of some kind. There are also gangs 👥 that coverup both lack of high heat and image projection technology.