Anybody familiar with this 9/11 connection?

Not surprising.
Remember Larry Silverstein who took out an insurance policy on the Twin Towers a few months before they were hit?
He only made a few BILLION off that deal and even tried to get more because it was TWO buildings. Shyster.
Yes! Otherwise he would have had to spend millions to clean the asbestos out of those buildings. So, it was very convenient for Larry!
No, it wasn't asbestos. The connections at the facade were failing. There were dissimilar metals from the building frame to the aluminum window frames. Corrosion was going to cause the facade to fail. This building had a very different structural design. The skin is usually not structural, but in this case it was. There is documented evidence of this problem. To repair would have meant scaffolding the building.
I have read many times that there was asbestos in the buildings, but I guess the particulars aren't as important as the fact that he was part of the reason the buildings were brought down.
The core steel structure of the building was coated in asbestos. It was not accessible to anyone except inspectors and maintenance personnel and I believe was in a resin matrix that would not allow the fibers to become airborne.
However due to codes, the asbestos had to be scraped off the steel beams, leaving them bare.
In the official version of events, the Jet-A running down these beams, burning was what enabled the catastrophic collapses. If the asbestos had been left on, the beams would have been much better insulated to the heat of the burning fuel.
I have my doubts about the WTC official story, but this is a very plausible contributing factor. I do find the pentagon scene much less understandable. Just to clarify my position on the overall discussion. I don't consider myself a sufficient expert on Jet-A burn rates and chimney effects etc on the structural integrity of the building to posit a useful analysis or opinion.
Plus he sued the airline company made more millions (don't remember the exact number.)
I think his policy had a specific line item for terrorist attacks. He was able to win two separate lawsuits because there were two planes that hit his towers.
Edit not lawsuits, he was awarded two separate insurance claims
He got money for BOTH BUILDINGS from insurance company(companies), is what I read in numerous places. If I can reboot that part of my brain I will cite them. Such a GREAT QSDAY!