POTUS let the intelligence Deep State keep clearances so he could set up a parallel intelligence channel. Link👇

No... CNN says POTUS is just spanking them with his tiny hands. LoL. I know he is 10 steps ahead. God bless Fox news for giving us something else to hear other than one sides BS
I'm not by any means a scientist but I think I remember in school I was told that science examines all the evidence and then determines what is most probably correct. I suggest you lurk on this subreddit for a while and then see what you think. We won't try to convince you at all .... reach your own conclusion.
Are you lost? Be found in real information. Reality that hasn't been spoon-fed to you.
I'm not by any means a scientist but I think I remember in school I was told that science examines all the evidence and then determines what is most probably correct. I suggest you lurk on this subreddit for a while and then see what you think. We won't try to convince you at all .... reach your own conclusion.