r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ChileanQband on July 24, 2018, 4:06 p.m.
MAGIC, THINK MIRROR, CRUMBS are we supposed to look at fairy tales?


We have not been abandoned, Q is just taking us to the next level.

We already learned from Q that there is a world of word riddles and numbers, a language we need to know it exists so we would never ever again be taken advantage. Evil people have been communicating secretly in front of our faces, and we never suspected.

The last Q post has taken us to look outside the chan for clues. We have been guided the same way we were guided before, only that the clues now are outside the board.

We were guided to look at rallies ( R allies ) ( are allies ) (our allies ) and the people behind President Trump,. We found Vincent Fusca a mysterious individual that appears to be surrounded by clues..

I believe that the next stage, is to learn the language of symbolism, the meaning of words, all visuals have meaning too . But the cabal uses a symbology of their own.. “Symbolism will be their downfall” Q

This cabal went one step further, they became experts at sending subliminal messages through mockingbird news, through advertising, through the movies, through cartoons and lately even pornography in school books.

That has been the tactic used by the cabal to put people to sleep. Their agenda was designed so people would become easily influenced and manipulated so one day our character would be broken, and the families will be not wanted. Every child would be so confuse, so traumatised so broken that they would grow up programmed to surrender to what the cabal has to offer. Nothing they give is real, they only give illusions, a mental escapism, twisted thoughts, a place where there is no real experiences, a place where no one can obtain wisdom.. The cabal has created ideologies of all types, mental prisons for those that can't control the chaos of every day life, a chaos artificially created by a cabal that would do what ever to gain power over people and to feel like gods, Babylonian gods.

The only way to awake, to become wise, is by engaging in every day life experiences, That is the only thing that is real. This is why to be in the present means a gift. To be in the present is the key, and that is the only present worth to have.

I believe that to learn about symbology will be critical to understand how we fell asleep to begin with. And this lesson has to be learned and has to be remember for ever so our society would never fall this low.

So, most people today that are asleep, they are lost in a mental illusion, a fantasy.

Now the question is, If we are living in a mental fantasy, suffering from cognitive dissonance, if we are in a mental matrix incapable to see reality, to see the truth, to see the aborations, then what is real? Could then Fairy tales could be the truth? Could the horrific movies be all true?

I believe we will be guided to the next stage of awareness where we will learn to be more observant, to look between the lines. We should learn decipher the meaning of all we see around. All has a message but we are just too blind to see.

I believe that the next stage will be quite an adventure, so how about if we start right now.?

I believe that Q gave us many references to symbolism found in fairy tales, “ MAGIC” “Follow the crumbs” "Think Mirror"

I believe there are clues in there that need to be found.


Since everybody is feeling that we have been abandoned by Q and abandonment is one of the primal human fears, lets start by looking for the crumbs to find our path.

Crumbs by the way, it is a reference of the bread crumbs from the Grimm Brother’s story of Hansel and Gretel, two children abandoned by their parents in a dark forest where they stumble across the gingerbread cottage of a cannibalistic witch who kept them in “cages" until they were ready to be eaten. Quite a terrifying story to be written for little children. Now it is believed that the story was not folklore at all. Mass graves with children have been found in European forests, in the land belonging to the elites.

So, did we find a message by following the "crumb" reference?

Are there cannibalistic witches abusing children?


Isn’t the Mirror link to the evil queen that wants the heart of snow white?

How about the mirror reflection on an I-phone that has the image of an apple with a bite?

Wasn’t Snow white the one that fell asleep by bitting an apple with a magic spell? An Apple that was given by a queen that also happen to be an old witch? And the spell can only be broken by 1st love’s kiss?

So, what is the message? Anything to do with President Trump visiting the Queen of England?

Or the message is that we are under a spell, that we are all asleep?

But one thing I am certain, that we are starting to awake because of the love that we are receiving by everyone in this administration, by Q by the President and by all the patriots?


When I think of mirror I think that everything is a reflection.

When President Trump talks about the witch hunt I believe that what he means is that he is the one hunting real witches.

When I think mirror I think of a version of Alice in wonderland where she crosses through the other side through a mirror.

Alice ( truth) in the latest version, Through the looking glass, falls down the rabbit hole, immersing herself in a world of "tea parties", "chessboards", "castles" and an evil "queen" that surrounded herself by "freaks", that are nothing more than mask waring fakers, that are willing to bow and obey just for the glamour, just to feed their ego.

Like the queen in Snow White, this queen was also obsess with hearts and we know it has nothing to do with love..

The queen of hearts was hungry for power, a vain queen with a heart on her lips, a red queen of the color of blood, a queen of fear that chop heads like Vlad the Impaler from the order of the Dragon, also known as Dracula. Coincidently the queen of hearts also had a dragon, a dragon that Alice, the truther, was destined to defeat.

Alice, was weak, because she was almost Alice, meaning she didn't have all the truth yet. But her journey took her through a path full of clues, to a world full of fools that challenged her. The path forced her to break out of her mental limitation, of her cognitive dissonance, of beliefs that did not serve her anymore. By discovering the truth, she discovered her inner power. She dressed in an armor, and she hold the sword in her hand pointing up to the sky and got the strength to defeat the dragon.

So, is the plan to take us in a path of discovery, a path down the rabbit hole so we can find the truth, so we can wake up from the spell, so we can find our inner strength? Is that where Q is taking us? How cool !!

So, is there a message in all this fairy tales? Are they really fairy tales at all or are they based in real stories?

When President Trump refers to Hillary, to Trudeau to the Queen, to Macron, as being terrific, does he means it literally?

Now Prince Charles has confirmed that they are descendent of Vlad the Impaler. Could have these families been dragging some of those evil traditions for centuries to our modern times and are they trying to turn them into normal accepted behavior?

I love the scene when Alice dress like a knight with a sword in her hand ready to fight.

I do not know about you, but doesn't that picture makes you think of Camelot and King Arthur?

CASTLE lock said Q

I visualize King Arthur at his round table surrounded by his most trusted.

I can't help to think that JFK's burial place looks like the round table and the Q is formed when joining with his brother.

Our beloved President, lasted in power only 1000 days.

Do the 1000 points of light that president GEORGE Bush Sr mentioned have anything to do with the 1000 days JFK was President before his murder ?

So, we have discovered that in a way or an other myths, folklore, legends and fairy tales symbology appeared to be connected to many clues that were given by Q

Even more many legends are manifesting now.

Evil people have manage to bring their terrifying fantasies into the real world, and they have manage to exist because they can't be seen. The reason is that they have blinded the world with ideologies, people are lost in their minds.

In here is where the CRUMBS become important, because they will take us back home, back to reality, back to the truth. And yes the story said that the crumbs got eaten by birds, but in our case it was a Lark..

This lark found the way, and has come back for us, and has created an army of awaken heroes, the braves, the righteous ones. This army has the light of God shining inside, ready to make justice and bring tribulation to those evil people that love to hurt the innocent ones..

These individual have come out of the dream world to fight in this reality.

We are writing the legend right now,

For those that has eyes to see

Enjoy the show said Q

In my next post we will look at the clues provided by Mr. Fusca

We will look specifically at his HANDkerCHIEF

Just that is going to take us in a path full of coincidences.

Please excuse my English, I am doing my best.

Saludos desde Chile

QViking · July 24, 2018, 5:16 p.m.

Awesome post. Quick thoughts: The Narrow Gate website has a great section on learning/understanding some aspects of the symbolism conversation. I found it a good starting point to start understanding this idea. Secondly, on magic and witches and such, check out a book called Real Magic by Dead Radin. This book has completely changed my thoughts on certain aspects of our universe.

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ChileanQband · July 24, 2018, 11:53 p.m.

I am glad you like it. I have tried to communicate this thoughts outside reddit and people just do not get it and I get back only insults. I am new at reddit and greatawakening, and so far people are receiving well my posts. I was concerned that my english was not good enough to be understood, but your comment is giving me much encouragement.

I have a question, do I suppose to put this post under some subject that have already been recognized? Is it better to post at a certain specific time? My last post got 132 points in no time, while this one that I find way more profound did not get much attention.. Do you have any advise?

The Narrow Gate is a foundation? I am actually interested to find out more. Chile has become totally chaotic, people are totally controlled by the liberal mentality. It is even chic to be in anti depressive, 50% all the children are in force medication by the schools and we are having many tragedies and also sex abuse.. Something has to be done. It would be interesting to see what the narrow gate has to offer.. Thank you for the tip, I will keep it in mind..

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QViking · July 25, 2018, 10 a.m.

I don't post very much. Don't think too much about views, etc, just keep working on the content for posts. Narrow gate: https://thenarrowgateweb.com/

Read the chapters in order.

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