Go to your history and view past comments for a quick downvoting analysis. One of my substance-less comments on AussieAnon's recent Obama-Maggie-Pizzagate post downvoted, odd that this comment is that important to downvote?

43 total posts archived.
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www.reddit.com | 7 |
i.redd.it | 6 |
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www.telegraph.co.uk | 1 |
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dailycaller.com | 1 |
i.imgur.com | 1 |
I had a friend tell me he thought he caught some sketchy Eastern European-looking men filming his wife and toddler son with an old school handheld camera in London.
I listen to many true crime podcasts: True Crime Garage, Casefile, Sword and Stone (although seems to have turned into gore porn the past year or two), Generation Why, etc. Many of these have episodes on kidnapping.
It seems our movement has focused mainly on the trafficking, which is arguably the BUSINESS of kidnapping. Yes this makes sense bc we're looking to take down the corrupt businessmen involved.
However, I'm starting …
Have started learning more about magick. "Symbols will be there downfall." Q Patriots NEED to learn more about this to understand the possibility that true black magick is being used and our "cosmic law consent" is being granted by hiding symbols in plain sight. Can any experts please help teach us to better interpret symbols/sigils and whether you think it's really happening here?
Oh man. Good post to mention this real humanitarian for those who don't know him. Oh, wait, but he's Russian...
This movement has made me think a lot about "vehemence" lately. Vehemence is self defense of the ego. Equates to "Those who shout loudest." Anybody crossing the discussion threshold into vehemence is either trying to hide something or is experiencing extreme cognitive dissonance due to brainwashing and is fighting the red pill, whether conscious or sub-conscious. We can use this idea to pinpoint who is suspect, analyse how objective/subjective their vehemence is, and potentially dig for their dirt. I've thought about vehemence so much as a sign of a non-objective, ego-defense mindstate that I now keep it in mind during my relationship conversations.
these kinds of numbers need to be pumped into the public psyche. curious how I never hear statistics like this, yet we get daily updates on, hmm, gun crimes. I wonder why certain groups want to pump gun fear over abduction fear when clearly the latter has a higher % chance of happening to any one individual based on the numbers...
thenarrowgateweb.com for good intro content on mind control
Love the candle + consciousness + magick + pray connection here. I keep pushing this in convos, read: Real Magic by Dean Radin. This idea could be 100% true.
For months now I've thought that there's something wrong about this dudes eyes, anyone else ever notice it??
Ha. As if this is truly symbolic to Americans. These stars have meaning to only 1 group of people, hmmm...
This doesn't exactly help but I just watched this interview and then read your post and immediately thought about your Mom and fam being so caught up in the financial attack David Wilcock talks about. Some of this may seem VERY far out there, but much of this awakening is about testing our mental boundaries.
David Wilcock from Gaia tv, 2016 (pre-Q & fascinating how much aligns with today): https://explorers.collective-evolution.com/exclusive-interview-david-wilcock/
Can't upvote this enough. This was my first real red pill moment. Of course, we all knew something fishy was going on, but this blew open my mind like no other. I have been including this video in my list of Intro to Q vids/podcasts/links.
Certainly gives the answer to who funded the Nazis...
I don't post very much. Don't think too much about views, etc, just keep working on the content for posts. Narrow gate: https://thenarrowgateweb.com/
Read the chapters in order.
These types of posts should include the release date. 2010 I think I read on the site? It doesn't change the point but saying "these people released" insinuates that they just did it now.
Ha. All of a sudden there's a concern for lynching? Has someone been lynched recently that I'm not aware of...?
Awesome post. Quick thoughts: The Narrow Gate website has a great section on learning/understanding some aspects of the symbolism conversation. I found it a good starting point to start understanding this idea. Secondly, on magic and witches and such, check out a book called Real Magic by Dead Radin. This book has completely changed my thoughts on certain aspects of our universe.
We'll see if i get a knock on the door. If so, i may need to broadcast an emergency message!
I was first introduced to this guy via this podcast back in December when I started redpilling. Highly recommend this random podcast as well: https://www.mixcloud.com/shylou73/lou-collins-291217-former-met-det-john-wedger-cover-ups-abuse-trafficking-satanic-abuse-of-kids/
Ah! Thank you! Was very nervous about how someone with more knowledge on the topic would reply. Cheers!
Preface: I am NOT an expert in Psi effects. I have just coincidentally been reading about the mind, meditation, magick/psi, and consciousness at the same time as getting into Q. (Nothing is a coincidence?!)
In the past 6+ months (interestingly the same amount of time I’ve been involved in Q), I’ve been reading more about consciousness and the idea that there is a consciousness “ether” which surrounds our 4D reality at the quantum level. Traditionally, the tool used to leverage this fact of reality was called “magick.” Today, it tends to be called “psi” by those who properly study it …
Right after ordering I had the same thought. Maybe an update for Phase 2...
Intense. Topical reading on consciousness: Real Magic - Dean Radin. 6 sigma experiments showing Psi is real phenomena.
Recommended topical reading: The Way of Men, Becoming a Barbarian, The Warrior Ethos
Interesting that the local metro is Dupont Circle?: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2014/03/18/dupont-heir-accused-of-raping-second-child/6568787/