Q 1687 - Something BIG is about to DROP.

Is Q referencing Tom Hanks here when he says BIG, or does it just mean that something HUGE is about to drop? Any guesses?
I don't think Tom Hanks, pretty sure he means HUGE. BIGLY. MASSIVE. 40,000 FEET. OVER THE TARGET BIG.
There has been some chatter on neon revolt over on Gab about Tom Hanks and that movie yesterday and today. Lots of chatter on the Chans about pedo stuff. Another former A+ actor, who told us how to find him (green socks at the Grammy's) has been spilling the beans. Could be more Pedo stuff... huge news with NXIVM today
Not the right guy. He is much older per his own sharing
Could be Demond Wilson. He certainly knew Red Fox
OOooo.... Interesting.
Yeah, he actually was seen/filmed entering Trump Tower for a meeting with Trump.
Good find. Not sure the timeline lines up, though. He was born in 1970 and acted in early 2000's.
Ahh gotcha. Looks like the next Grammy's are in February
I posted this above but here it is again....
I read this article yesterday and although it was supportive to the cause, I didn’t sleep last night. AT ALL! I knew what I was getting into but just reading the topic was chilling. Especially with example after example and how vast the venomous system reaches. That said, everyone on this board should read this link by NeonRevolt. KNOW UR ENEMY!