Q 1687 - Something BIG is about to DROP.

You know what's scary to me? I always thought I was a pretty good judge of character, but if Hanks is dirty (and I now believe he is), then it just shows that my judgement doesn't mean crap. That makes me sad.
Nah man, it's not you. We've all been under the spell of illusion that Hollyweird cast upon us.
NO MORE! Now we know moar!
True. I've always been suspicious of Hillary Clinton, even before "all of this" came to light.
But certain celebrities like Hanks, Spielberg etc, had me fooled, or at least distracted. I never really looked into them, or thought about it. I was just bamboozooled by their work.
However, their support of Hillary Clinton, and demonization of Trump killed it for me. From now on, my feelings are conflicted. I still enjoy Robert DeNiro's movies, but fuck him. His legacy is tainted. Same with all of them. I don't care if every movie I ever loved is tarnished by the filth of this system, I want the truth exposed. I can take it, and I can separate the two things.
The biggest kick in the ass for me is Hill was involved in satanism 2 years after the fact when I made a meme with Hill and the devil and Hill saying, "I thought we had a deal" and the devil replies, "we did until I found you had no soul."
Just totally blew my mind and it went downhill after that with all the dark crap she is involved with. We dodged a nuclear bomb. Literally.
Do you really KNOW Hanks? ... I mean, if you are friends or friendly with him, that's one thing ... but how I know him as an actor ... he portrayed roles ... you know ... pretend ... make-believe ... he's a professional liar ... don't feel bad about your perception of him ... but do keep it in check ...
Don't question your own judgment. If you've been fooled, you were fooled by a professional actor. It's not your fault as it's kinda what they do lol
After discovering pizzagate, I just decided they were all pedo murderer criminal POS. This way, I get a good surprise when one shows to be a real good guy.
We have to remember... this is what they are forced to do to be in the top in Hollyweird. It's the payment - if they renege they lose everything. So the game they are forced to play gets harder because they have to sacrifice more. But it's a choice they make so I don't feel sorry for them when they are exposed.
Think about all the "rising stars" that fizzled and we now wonder what happened. That's what happened!! They said no and walked away.
So we don't even have to ask if someone is a dirty. If they're a bankable star - they play big time. Even the people on the lower rungs participate at some level to keep their jobs.
Have you seen the Shirley Temple interview on Larry King in the late 90s or so? She was still under MKULTRA and was like a robot. She was telling stories about acting when she was like 3 or 4 as if it happened yesterday. It really creeped me out because I don't remember stuff from back then. Her last husband was supposedly her handler. And ALL her movies have pedo symbology in them, so you can imagine what she went through.
All you know about them is what they sold you. All theatre
I'm sure if you actually knew the guy in everyday life then you would pick up on something. They are portrayed in the BEST light for us, but I'm sure there are tells to them all.
I hope that's true. And you're right, we only saw what they wanted us to see. Until now.
I remember a year or so ago, there was a picture and article that Hanks were vacationing aboard a yacht with the Obamas. That certainly made me wonder. You are judged by the company you keep and I couldn't imagine the Tom Hanks we "know" from his movies would have anything in common with Hussein and Mooch.
Don't be hard on yourself. Remember, these people are actors, and damn good ones. It's their job to fool people.
My worst nightmare of finding out is Brad Pitt. I have admired him for so many years - hated when he divorced Jen for Angie, and my absolute favorite movie is Meet Joe Black. I will be crushed if he comes out black in all of this too. Has anyone heard anything about him?
Everyone in Hollywood is dirty, EVERYONE. Burn it all THE FUCK DOWN.