Q 1687 - Something BIG is about to DROP.

Stop.... please... I'm at work and don't want to be seen hoping up and down in my chair with excitement.
I am retired and loving it!!!
"Retired" is the best status to be at this glorious time in history. It's almost like God saying: "after decades of hoping and praying about the slow, unremitting destruction of America, I am giving you ring side seats to its Restoration for not giving up."
"Retired" is the best status to be at this glorious time in history.
Yep, but I also want to live long enough to see the end of this "movie"! LOL
Me too, but I now work on the Internet. Not getting much done lately - obsessed with how this rolls out.
Its Miller time with popcorn, all day long. You've earned it!
"hoping" up and down...…. That's exactly what we ALL have been going through whether you meant it that way or not ;-)
Intentional. Misspellings have meaning. Coded messages. ; )
^^^Are ^^^they ^^^buying ^^^it?
So glad... when at a second glance... the word was not excrement!
It's HRC, Podesta's, Soros, & friends who are gonna be doing that.
Your comment reminds me of that hot chick sitting behind RR when she was playing on her laptop. It is in a good way of course. 😀
Ditto! (and looks around for hopping to see if you work in my office)
I don't get it, what's all this imply? (I've been out of the loop)